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A/N: Few things about the story. Hope, Klaus's daughter, is now a teenager. Like 15 or something. Hayley's dead cause I say so, fight me. Nah joking, I'm sorry if ya like her but she's still dead. You're engaged to Klaus. Hope see's you as a mother figure also. Oh even better, Damon and Elena had a kid who you'll learn about as you read on. That's it so enjoy da story!

I sat silently in the Mikaelson mansions study. I had a book in my hand and everything was peaceful. Unusual for the Mikaelson household. "Wow, vampires are supposed to sparkle huh? I'm not sure if I'm offended or confused" I giggled to myself, as I read the book.


I knew quite time wouldn't last long. I read the last page of the cringy book and put it down, heading into the living room to see what the commotion was about. 'Please don't be Klaus. Please don't Klaus' I pleaded in my head.

"Why do you have to embarrass me Dad?!" yelled Hope. 'I don't know why I bother to plead. It's always Klaus' I huff in my head.
"You're a Mikaelson! I will not allow my daughter to be associated with a Salvatore! Especially Damon Salvatore's boy!" Klaus shouted.

I lent on the wall and watched. "He's not like that Dad! He's funny, kind, polite and FWI, I love him!" Hope growled. Klaus's eyes widened. The murderous rage was forming in his gorgeous eyes. "A Mikaelson and a Salvatore do not work! It never will!" Klaus scoffed.

"WELL MAYBE I DON'T WANT TO BE A MIKAELSON!!" Hope screamed, vamp speeding to her room. I gasped in shock. More for Klaus than me. Klaus had tears forming in his eyes. I could see that hurt him. "Klaus" I said sympathetically, touching his bicep to somewhat comfort him.

He tensed but soon relaxed as he saw it was me. "She didn't mean it honey. She's just mad" I smile. Klaus nodded but still looked broken. "You and her are so much alike y'know. Same temper and stubbornness" I joke. Klaus chuckled. "I love you Y/N" he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you more my big bad wolf" I giggle.
"I don't know how you do it but you always manage to calm me down" he grinned.
"It's cause you know I could kick your ass anytime" I gave a smug look.
"Please love, I'm 100 years older than you" he smirked. "But I have you wrapped around my finger" I remind him.
"Yes you do" he chuckled and gave me a kiss.

Before the kiss turned into a heated make out session, I pulled away. "I'm going to work my magic on your daughter. But me and you will have words later. I don't know what you did mister but it sounds bad" I warn. He nodded and went to grab himself a bourbon. My fiancée, the original hybrid alcoholic.

I made my way to Hope's room and knocked gently. "Hey Hope, it's Y/N" I called. She muttered a 'come in' and I entered her room.
She was laying in bed, staring at the ceiling. I sat at the end of her bed. "Did my dad send you here to talk to me?" She huffed.

"Nope promise. Tell me what happened and I'll kick his ass for ya. Come on, we're besties right?" I smiled. Hope giggled and sat up. "Yeah but you're more like a mother to me." She confessed. "Wow I'm honoured" I said sweetly. "Seriously, you're amazing. I can see why my father wants to marry you" Hope hugged me.

I hugged her back. Tears glossed my eyes. I've always wanted a child but since my vampirism, that wasn't going to happen. "Alright, you're making me emotional which is not good since my make up is on point" I playfully show off my face, making Hope laugh.

"So what's wrong?" I ask.
"Well you know Dean Salvatore?" she questioned. I nodded. "He's my boyfriend" she confessed. "Really?! That's great!" I squealed.
"I know right? I'm happy, he's happy. But dads not happy. I don't think he's ever happy" she frowned. Then I knew what's wrong. It's the whole dad doesn't like his daughter dating thing.

"Trust me sweetie, he is happy." I reassure her.
"Then what the bloody hell is wrong with him?!" Hope cried.
"I went through this when I was your age. Dads have this weird thing where they don't like their daughters dating because they think their daughters are still their 'little girl' but in reality the girls are growing up" I explain.

"But I'm not little girl anymore! Why can't he understand that?" Hope sighed.
"It doesn't matter Hope. However old you are, you're still his little girl no matter what happens" I shrug. Hope rolled her eyes.
"I know. Men are strange creatures. Trust me, I've lived with your father for over 900 years." I smirk.

"Wow. You must need therapy" Hope giggled.
"Nah I've got him wrapped around my little finger." I wink at her.
"Tell me about you and dad years ago" she begged. Hope always loved these stories.

"Me and your father first met 100 years after he was turned into a vampire. I lived in a small village in my old hometown. Klaus was a Lord of course, whilst I was a farm girl. One day I was tending to my horse, Amour, when your father approached me. I though he was incredibly handsome and charming. He told me I was beautiful and lovely. After a few months we were engaged. Unfortunately, one day, I had an accident whilst riding and I was injured severely. Klaus soon found me and turned me into a vampire. And after 900 years, we're still together" I smiled down at my ring.

"Then dad cheated on you with my mother and had me" Hope said sadly. I winced at the memory. "Yes but he was extremely sorry. However you were born, so something good came out of it" I ruffled her hair.
"Me and Dean are like you and father though. We both love each other deeply." Hope explained.

"I'm sure you are. I'll go have a word with him now" I stood up and started walking toward the door. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "Thank you so much Y/N. You're the best step-mum ever" Hope giggled. I kissed the top of her head and left.

Klaus was in the kitchen, sitting in a chair. "So how'd it go? She told you everything?" He questioned. I sat down and nodded. "Klaus, you have to understand that Hope is not a little girl anymore. She might be to you but she's becoming a young lady now. She's going to date boys, go to parties and more. You have accept that." I told him sternly.

"I know love, its just fatherly instincts" he sighed. "I know honey. Dean is a good boy and he loves Hope. They're happy together. She says her and Dean are like us two. Deeply in love" I hold his hand and squeeze. Klaus chuckled. "Well she's got that right love" he kissed the back of my hand.

"Dad?" Hope's voice rang out. Klaus turned his head in her direction. "What's up Hope?" He asked. Hope came over and sat down next to Klaus. "I'm sorry daddy. I didn't mean what I said about not wanting to be a Mikaelson. You're the best daddy ever and I love you so much" Hope smiled hugging her father.

"I love you more sweetie. Y/N was right about my actions and they were wrong. You're a woman now and I should let you date." Klaus said, pulling out of the hug. Hope high fived me. "But if he does anything to upset you I'll rip his heart out of his chest and shove it down his throat"

"Klaus!" I scold.
"Fine! I'll just tear off his limbs" Klaus muttered. I rolled my eyes. Hope ran off happily, probably to text Dean. "See was that so hard?" I smirk. Klaus used his vamp speed to lay me down in the kitchen table, with him hovering over me. "God I love you" he kissed my neck. "I love you more Nik"

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