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Imagine you're a werewolf and you become pregnant with Klaus's baby. Kind of like Hayley's situation but you love Klaus not Elijah.

Hi, I'm Y/N L/N. I'm your typical girl living in New Orleans. I've longed for that sentence to be true. I mean my name is Y/N and I do live in New Orleans but I'm slightly different to your typical girl. What I mean is that, I'm a werewolf.

And no, not like Jacob Black or the wolf man. I just, painfully, turn into a normal looking wolf. Most would think it's pretty cool, but oh how are they wrong. I break every bone in my body every full moon just to prowl about in the woods, only to wake up naked, unsure about where I am. Sound fun? I didn't think so.

Anyway, rant over. So here I am in festive New Orleans, living with a family of 1000 year old vamps. Oh, did I forget to mention that? Yep, I'm a werewolf that lives with vamps, could this situation become anymore weird? In fact it can. I'm pregnant. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just the fathers kinda a bad thing.

His name is Klaus Mikaelson and he's an 1000 year old hybrid. Half vamp, half wolf and I'm preggo with his kid. Don't get me wrong, he's rather handsome and sometimes, but rarely, good. You could say that I love him and he loves me. However, over his long millienium, his choice of 'lifestyle' has gained many enemies.

It doesn't help that New Orleans is full of vampires, witches and werewolves that all hate him. Underneath all the murderous, paranoia, and anger, there's a big softie. Trust me. That's what caused me to fall in love with him. When it comes to me he's a big teddy bear. Or a big wolf teddy.

Now here I sit in the compound, near my due date. I rubbed my big belly and smiled. I couldn't wait to become a mother but on the other hand, I was shitting myself. I hadn't left the compound in a few weeks because of the big bad wolf himself. He was extremely overprotective over me, which was sweet but annoying as shit.

Besides where was I going to go? I could barely walk because of my belly. The only thing I wanted was a change of scenery. It doesn't help that Klaus's siblings are always on 'Y/N watch'.
Elijah was always hovering about somewhere. Rebekah was just there. Partially because she's always wanted a child of her own.

"Elijahhhh!" dragged out his name for effect.

"I'm so bored! I want to go outside. Y'know that thing that's not these four walls." I sigh.

"I'm deeply sorry my dear, but you need to be protected. The outside is full of dangers that intend to harm you and your baby." Elijah repeated the same sentence, every time I complained about not going outside. 

I huffed and tapped on the table. "You so do not want to mess with a pregnant werewolf." I growled.

Elijah smirked. "No and I don't want to mess with Niklaus as well my dear."

"I've had to deal with his child inside of me for the nearly the past 9 months now. At least you could let me go outside for 5 minutes and see other people and surroundings." I beg.

Elijah looked hesitant for a moment but looks at my pleading face. "Fine! But if Niklaus founds out then you'll take the blame." He said, giving in.

"Yay! Thanks Elijah." I squealed and kissed his cheek before sneaking outside the compound.

Finally, some alone time. I breathe in the crisp air and slowly walked/waddled along the quarters path. It was peaceful this afternoon. Hardly anyone was about. I sat down on a bench, looking down at my stomach and give a small smile.

"Hey my baby, it's mommy. I just wanted to let you know that, even though you haven't been born yet, I already love you with all my heart. Daddy does too. He might be a grumpy old man but you're his little miracle." I said, in a baby voice.

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