Kol Part 3 (Final)

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Kol's POV

It had been a month now since the death of my beloved. A slow, agonising, gloomy month. I remember on rainy days, when Y/N was alive, we'd cuddle up on the sofa and watch movies until the rain stopped. Then we'd go out and cause mischief which was hilarious.

But now, I just sit here, inside my family's compound, bottle of whiskey in hand, watching the rain droplets run down the window pane. I'd write Y/N's name in the condensation filled glass and smile a broken smile.

I pondered about turning my emotions off but I'd know one of my brothers, most likely Klaus, would dagger me and shove me in a box. Nothing that I wasn't used to. I thought family was supposed to love and protect you, to stand by you, through thick and thin but all mine seem to do is leave me to rot in a coffin for centuries and then wonder why, when I do wake up, that I'm mad at them!

'Always and forever my arse!' I scoffed in my head.

Suddenly, somebody entered the room. I didn't bother to turn because I already knew who it was. Klaus. I hadn't talked to him since I'd arrived in New Orleans. "Niklaus" I greeted sternly, not looking at him.

"Brother." He replied, sadly.

"Can I help you?" I asked rudely.

"I just came to talk."

"Talk about what? The weather? Your day? Or how about the fact that you murdered my fiancée? I think we should talk about that!" I raised my voice a little and stood up, clenching my fists.

Klaus ran a hand through his hair and huffed. "Kol please listen to me-"

"What like you bloody listen to me when I begged you, BEGGED YOU, to not hurt Y/N?" I scoffed.

"I know brother! I was angry. You know what I'm like when I'm angry, I don't think straight. But now that I am and I realise what she meant to you, I'm deeply sorry for what I have done." Klaus apologised. I could see the true regret and remorse in his eyes.

"You maybe sorry Niklaus but that won't bring back Y/N. I need time Nik. You don't understand how much I loved her, how much she meant to me. She was my happiness, my home, my always and forever. And now my life is a bloody empty void." I said, emotionless. Klaus came closer to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I tensed at his touch.

"I promise you brother, I will do everything in my power to get her back. I know I haven't been the best brother for the past 1000 years now but underneath all this-" He motioned to himself. "-There is a brother who truly loves you. I know you've always wanted to be apart of this family, to have us care for you and stand by you, and from now on, I'll will do exactly that. Even my daughter loves you loads. You were her first word for bloody hell sake!"

I smiled and bro hugged him. "Thanks Niklaus. I haven't forgiven you, I don't think I ever will but I can see that you regret your actions and I appreciate it brother." I stated as I pulled out of the hug.

"I can live with that Kol. Tomorrow we'll go to the witches and bring Y/N back." He promised.

I walked over to the window and once again sat down, bottle of whisky in hand and watched the rain drops run down the pane.


I didn't sleep a wink that night. My head was all over the place. My darling Y/N was going to be resurrected tomorrow. I was finally, after a long month, going to be able to hold her in my arms and never let her go again.

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