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I know it's hard to imagine but this is going to be about Kol SINGING PANIC! AT THE DISCO-LA DEVOTEE. FANGIRLING SO HARD!!!!

Being heartbroken sucks. My boyfriend, Damon Salvatore, had just broken up with me for my 'best friend' Elena Gilbert. For the past week now I'd been moping around, depressed and broken. Shattered more like. I thought I was in love but clearly not. Although I had all the side effects.

I was sat in my room, laying on my bed, eating ice cream cause it helps with the emotional pain. Suddenly my phone buzzed, alerting me
that I had a text. "Arghh why can't you just leave me alone so I can eat ice cream and get fat?" I groan, picking up my phone and opening the text. It was from Kol, my guy bestie. Whom I had a small crush on, even though I was with Damon.

K: Hey, get you're gorgeous ass up and meet me at the Grille! I'm not letting you be alone to be all sad.

You: I'm not sad. Just not happy. Not that I don't want to but can you just come over here?

K: Nope. Get over here and let's get drunk! Don't you want to see you're handsome bestie?

You: Fine I'm coming. Be there in 10 xxx

K: See you soon Darling 😘

I smiled at the emoji and quickly got changed into some black skinny jeans, white vest top and leather jacket. I brushed my hair, leaving it down. Then I applied minimal make up, just some foundation and mascara.

Afterwards, I made my way outside to my car and drove toward the grill. When I got there, Kol was at the bar, drinking whiskey. I snuck up behind him, putting my hands on his broad shoulders and resting my chin in his head.

"Hey Kol." I giggled.

"Hello Darling." He chuckled. I sat down and ordered myself a white wine. "You look beautiful as ever." He winked.

I blushed, he probably was just being kind since he knew about the break up. "Thank you Kol. You look handsome too." I said, taking a sip of my wine. He smirked, sexily.

"How are you with everything?" He asked.

"My boyfriend left me for me best friend. How do you think I'm feeling?" I sigh sadly.

"Well he was a total idiot who didn't deserve someone as beautiful and amazing as you." Kol scoffed.

"Aww thanks Kol. You're so sweet." I smile.

"Only for you darling." He smirked.

We talked for an hour just laughing and having a good time. Kol kept complimenting me which made me feel a lot better about myself. Then Caroline got up on the stage and started singing. She was really good. She was singing to Matt.

"What's she doing?" Kol chuckled.

"She's singing to Matt because she loves him. It's quite romantic really." I sigh dreamily. Kol gave me a weird look. "What?" I question.

"Nothing it's nice to see you having a good time." He grinned. I blushed with a giggle.

After Caroline had finished the song, Matt stood in awe. He looked at me. "What're you waiting for dummy? Go to her!" I ushered.

Matt nodded and ran up on stage. Before Care could say anything, Matt crashed his lips onto her's. Everyone clapped and whooped, including me. "Yeah Caroline!" I cheered. Care broke from the kiss and gave me a happy look. I held my thumbs up to her and she did the same back.

"I'm so happy for her." I smiled.

Kol downed his drink and stood up. "Imma go up there and sing." He informed.

My eyes went wide. "Really?" I chocked. He nodded, gave me a kiss on the forehead and went up on stage. My eyes never left him. He was really going to do this? This was awesome.

When Kol got up on the stage, everyone cheered. "Uh, this is dedicated to the girl I love. She's had a rough week and I wanted to cheer her up with her favourite song. So here goes." he announced. The crowd cheered, as did I. The song came on and I instantly recognised it. It was my favourite song. LA Devotee by Panic! At The Disco.

Did Kol dedicate this song to me? I have had a rough week and this song was my favourite song. Also, Kol invited me here to cheer me up. No he couldn't love me. He's my best friend. He doesn't love me. Or does he? No! I'm his best friend. Nothing more, nothing less. It hurt to think that though.

Kol started singing and I had to say, his voice was brilliant. He got so into the song that he started dancing a little. He'd spin around and sway back and forth. All the girls in the crowd would gasp and cheer him on which made me kinda jealous.

"You got two black eyes from loving too hard and a black car that matches your blackest soul. I wouldn't change ya, oh, wouldn't ever try to make you leave no"

Kol sang into the microphone. The song was kinda ironic really. I did have two metaphorical, black eyes from loving Damon too hard and it did kinda turn my soul black like my black car but Kol wouldn't change a thing or try to make me leave.

"Static palms melt your vibe
Midnight whisperings
The black magic of Mulholland Drive
Swimming pools under desert skies
Drinking white wine in the blushing light
Just another LA Devotee"

Again so ironic. My static palms would always melt my 'vibe' so I could never tell Kol my true feelings towards him. Then Kol proceeded to jump down off stage and slowly, whilst singing, make his way towards me. My heart beat sped up. He can't be coming to me. There has to be someone behind me.

I would turn around but my eyes were hypnotised in placed with Kol's. He rocked out after a few steps which made me laugh even more. Finally, he was in front of me.

"LA Devotee

LA Devotee

LA Devotee

LA Devotee"

Kol sang lowly. My body shivered and got goosebumps at the sound. I bit my lip as Kol stared at me with his lust filled eyes. I don't think there is anything sexier than Kol sing Panic! At The Disco.

Kol finished the song amazingly, never averting his gaze from me. The crowd cheered and whistled. Kol took my hands, pulling me up to stand. Once I did, me and Kol stood chest to chest. He put his hands on my hips and I did the same but on his neck.

"Dedicated this song to Y/N, the girl who I love." He chuckled and I giggle.

Then we crashed our lips together. My stomach felt like it was going to explode butterflies and fireworks. The audience cheered, making us pull apart after a few minutes. Kol rested his forehead against mine. "

"I love you too Kol." I confessed. He grinned and hugged me tight.

"Plus you have a sexy voice. You should sing more" I smiled. He chuckled and nodded.

"Be my girl?" He asked hopefully.

"Always and forever Kol." I whispered and kissed him again. Kol was the only thing on my mind. Who was Damon again? Why was I so upset again? Who cares? I have Kol and he's all I need.

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