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(Instead of Damon being in Augustine trapped with Enzo, you are)

Augustine Ball- Past (I can't remember what it's called! Sorry!)

I watched in disgust as the humans stared at me and Enzo, like we were some animals trapped at a zoo. Enzo's plan was happening tonight. He had been giving me his blood rations for a few weeks now, in hope that I'd get stronger to kill the people who held us captive.

I looked over at Enzo. He was so pale and weak. I just wanted to help him. Westfield, the prick that tortured us both for 'research' wanted some of his blood so he could show his guests.

"Don't you dare hurt him! Take my blood you ass!" I snarled at him like a feral animal.

"Y/N...no." Enzo weakly protested.

"Enzo you're too weak. I'll be fine." I reassured with a wink.

Westfield opened my cage, knife ready. I pretended to be weak. As soon as he let me out, I lunged at him. Snapping his neck and running around at vamp speed killing everyone else. Whilst I was feeding, a fire started somehow.

When everyone was dead, I ran back over to Enzo's cage. I tried to open it but it was laced with vervain, not that I cared. I struggled to get Enzo out. "Y/N love, it's not going work." Enzo told me.

"It will Enzo. We're going to get out of here together! Just like we planned." I yelled in tears.

"Darling, the fires spreading. Please go. I don't want you to die." He ordered, tears in his eyes as well.

"I'm not leaving you Enzo! We've been through so much together! I can't just leave you!" I protested, looking into his dark eyes.

"I know Y/N. I love you and that's why I need you to go."

I stood there shocked for a moment. "I love you too Enzo..."

"Please go love. Just remember that you're so beautiful and I love you so much." Enzo kissed my hand. I took one last look at him before speeding off.

When I was outside, I watched the house burn down. My heart wasn't just broken, it was shattered, destroyed and many more. I couldn't take the pain anymore so I stopped crying, turning my humanity off. (A/N: fucking emotions right now 😭)

Salvatore house- Present Day.

My brothers, Stefan and Damon, had me tied to a chair in the basement cell. They wanted me to turn my humanity back on.

After Augustine and Enzo, I flipped the switch and hadn't turned it back on. I left Mystic Falls and hadn't returned till now. They were trying everything to get me to turn it back on but I wouldn't do it.

"Ah Damon, my big brother, did I ever tell you that your a dick?" I smirked, not caring if he hurt him.

"I'm going to let that slide Y/N, since you have no humanity." Damon sighed.

"Oh come on Damon! It's awesome not being able to feel bad for shit. I don't regret turning it off and I never will. Now let me go, I'm bored." I huffed. Damon ignored me. Time to try a different approach.

"Stefan! I know you can hear me. Please let your little sister out. Damon's being mean again. You'll be my favourite brother if you do." I begged sweetly.

Stefan could never resist that voice, he was such a protective brother and was putty when it came to me.

"I'm sorry Y/N. You need your humanity back on. Until then I'm not going to speak to you." Stefan's voice said from upstairs. I whined and went back to insulting Damon.

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