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Mystic Falls 1864. Y/N's Diary.

Today was horrible. I was suppose to meet Damon, my best friend, for tea but he never showed. Probably because of Katherine. She has this control over Damon, and his brother Stefan, that I will never understand. She has them wrapped around her finger and it worries me.

Katherine has destroyed our friendship. When I do see Damon, he looks so broken. He tries to act like he's okay but I can tell he isn't. It's so painful to watch your best friend and the man you love with all your heart, break down. I wish I could help him.

Present Day- Y/N POV.

I haven't seen the Salvatore's in 164 years. I couldn't stand by and watch them whilst I couldn't do anything. I confronted Katherine one night and she flipped. She forced her bitter blood down my throat and then snapped my neck. When I woke up, the whole town where hunting for vampires. I quickly fed and got the hell out of out of town.

Right now, 164 years later, I'd return to Mystic Falls. To my surprise, the Salvatore's had returned too and lived in the Salvatore boarding house. I planned on surprise Damon about how I was still alive.

A few hours later, darkness fell. I wore a black, long sleeved dress that came down to my mid thighs. My hair was down, straight with curls in the end. I put on my black wedges boots on and vamp sped to the Grill.

I walked in, seeing Damon sitting at the bar, glass of bourbon in his hands. He had his back to me. I smirked, making my way to the bar. Damon still hadn't noticed me yet. I sat next to him and simply said;

"Lovely to see you tonight Mr. Salvatore."

His beautiful blue eyes widened in shock. "Y-Y/N?" He stuttered, not believing his eyes.

"How've you been Damon?" I asked with a warm smile.

I'd forgotten how handsome he was. His eyes were icy blue which you could get lost in. He's hair was black like a Raven. Every thing about him was just perfect.

"H-how are you alive?" He questioned, perplexed.

I looked down at the bar and scoffed. "Before I tell you about that, I need a drink." I signalled the bartender, compelling him to get me a Bourbon.

When I received my drink, I took a swing of it and growled as the liquid burned my throat. "Good stuff." I laughed receiving a light smirk from Damon.

"So how the hell are you here?" He asks again.

"Seriously Damon, are you that stupid? I'm a vampire you ass. In 1864, I was so concerned for you and Stefan that I confronted Katherine about how she was trapping you, she got angry,  fed me her blood and snapped my neck. When I woke up, the whole town was on a vamp hunt, I quickly fed and took off. I haven't returned to Mystic Falls until now." I explained to him. He looked at me with sympathy. "But whatever, here's to us and our eternal shitty lives." I toasted, clinking glasses with him before downing all of my drink. He smirked, drinking his drink too.

For hours, me and Damon laughed, talked about what's happened since 1864 and drank good alcohol. "So I see being a vampire has made you a cocky, boisterous rebel." I smirked.

"And I see vampirism has been good to you too. You've become more confidant and outgoing." Damon complimented with a smile.

I blushed a little. "Thanks Damon."

"You were totally shy and awkward."

"Hey! I was not!" I protested, playfully hitting his arm.

He pretended to be hurt and I laughed. He stared at me for a moment but quickly looked away before I noticed.

Unfortunately for him, I saw this. "What?"

"N-nothing!" He said, trying to shake it off.

"Damon Salvatore, tell me." I giggled.

"I just forgot how beautiful you are." He said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You're not so bad yourself, Salvatore."

He laughed, sipping his drink. "This is gonna sound really strange but before Katherine, I had a little crush on you." He admitted with a small blush.

I placed my hand on his. "I did too."

"C-can I tell you something?"


"I still do." Damon whispered into my ear and pressed his soft lips to meet mine.

I was surprised at first but soon melted into the kiss, placing my hand into his cheek. My stomach felt like fireworks were exploding inside.

He pulled back. "So how about you, me, dinner at my place tomorrow night at 8?" He asked with a cocky smirk.

"See you then Damon." I winked before vamp speeding off, leaving him alone, thinking about all the good times we had together.

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