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(You're a powerful witch in this story)

Your phone rang and you looked at the caller ID before answering it. "Klaus, to what do I owe the pleasure of this phone call?" You sighed.

"Y/N, I know I'm not your favourite person but I need your help." Klaus explained.

"Of course you do...what can I help you with?" You asked, rolling your eyes.

"My brother Elijah's been kidnapped and I need you to do me a locating spell, also I need you to come with me to use your witchy mojo to distract the vamps whist I get my brother."

"I'll be there in 15 minutes." You said hanging up.

15 minutes later, you pulled up to the Mikaelson house and knocked on the door. Klaus opened the door with his cocky smile.
"Alright love? Come in." He moved out of the way so you could enter.

You stepped in and told Klaus to get the candles and something that belonged to Elijah. He proceeded to get the things and set them around the table.

You lit the candles and cut Klaus's hand so the blood could show you where Elijah was. You held your hands over the map and started the spell. A few second later, the blood move around the map. It stopped at an abandoned house in the middle of no where.

"Let's go love." Klaus said leading you into his car, driving off. You did another spell that sent a message to Elijah telling him that we were in the way.

20 minutes later, and you and Klaus were outside the house. You followed the plan and walked up to the door and knocked. A scary looking man who, from instinct, you could tell he was a vampire, opened the door and grunted.

"Hi my names Y/N and my car has broken down in front of your house. Can I come in and use your phone?" You acted. The man started to blare his fangs and lunged towards you.

Klaus, using his vamp speed, stuck his hand into his chest and ripped out his heart. He smirked at you and you sighed. A few other vampires came at you two but you quickly put unbearable pain in their heads. They fell to the floor whilst Klaus told you to get his brother.

You jogged down to the basement and found a jail cell. You felt the presence of a vampire and shuddered. You couldn't open the cell door so you used a spell and it burst open. In the middle of the room there was a very handsome man, tied to a chair. He tried to look up but he was too weak because of the vervain.

You carefully untied him, he hissed because of the vervain. "Sorry." You apologised in soft voice. He reassured you with a small smile.

After getting the ropes off, he tried to stand but he couldn't. "You need blood, take mine." You offered, lifting your wrist up to him. He shook his head, refusing. "Please, you need it...I trust you." You said, placing your hand on his bicep to reassure him.

He hesitated for a moment before bringing your wrist up his mouth. You gasped at the small pain as he bit into your wrist. He gave a low growl as he got stronger. You couldn't help but look at his attractive features. You knew you felt something towards him.

Elijah pulled back with his vampire face and took in a large gulp of breath. He calmed his vampire face, turned and looked at you.
"Thank you miss. Sorry if I hurt you." He spoke in a British accent, which was hot.

"I'm fine. Please call me Y/N, and you must be Elijah. Nice to meet you." You smiled. Elijah looked at you for a moment. "I'm the one who gave you that note." You explained.

"Oh, so my brother is here to?" He asked.

You nodded. "Yeah, he's upstairs dealing with the other vampires...being in a house with so many vampires makes my witchy side crawl." You joked. He chuckled.

All of a sudden, a male vampire sped in, fangs blaring and hissing. He started to run at you but you quickly held out your hand and put unbearable pain into his head. He fell to the ground. You put more pressure on and his eyes started to bleed. A few seconds later and you killed him.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side." Elijah laughed from behind you.

You giggled and turned back to him. "We should go. Klaus will be waiting."

"Let's go then Y/N." He said extending his arm for you to take. You smiled with a little blush and placed your arm through his.

You both walked upstairs and outside where Klaus was leaning on his car. "Always the gentleman aren't you brother?" He smirked at your linking arms.

"I appreciate you coming to my rescue Niklaus." He thanked Klaus.

"Your welcome. Now let's get you and your girlfriend here back home." He chuckled.

The drive home you kept quiet whilst Elijah and Klaus spoke about what happened. You felt a little dizzy after all the spells you had done.

"Everything alright Y/N?" Elijah asked worried.

"Yeah I'm fine Elijah. Just a little dizzy from all the spells I've done." You said putting on a brave face.

"How's your wrist?" He questioned.

"Elijah, I'm ok. You look adorable when you're concerned." You giggled.

"Y'hear that Elijah? You look adorable." Klaus teased.

Elijah scowled at him but his expression softened when he looked at you. "Thank you Y/N. I must say you're quite beautiful yourself."

You smiled and blushed. "Can you do stop eye fucking each other please? It cringy to watch." Klaus exclaimed.

"If you weren't driving right now I'd fill your head with the worst pain imaginable." You threatened him but he only laughed. Elijah smirked too.

When you arrived back at the Mikaelson house, Elijah went go clean up whilst you and Klaus stayed in the living room for drinks. "So you and my brother." Klaus started.

"Shut up Klaus." You huffed.

"What? I'm just saying. He does like you. I can tell." He chuckled.

You blushed. "And you like him too." He continued.

You blushed even harder now. "I'll admit he's very handsome but how do you know that I like him?"

"The way you look at him. Also your heart beat rises when ever you're in his presence." He pointed out.

"So what? I could be scared of you two y'know. You're are a thousand year old vampires." You tried to make up a valid reason but Klaus could see right through you.

"Sure. A really powerful witch who could take us down with a flick of her wrist, is scared of us." He said sarcastically. You poured yourself a drink and drank it.

Just then, Elijah elegantly entered the room.
"That's my que to leave." Klaus whispered into your ear. You folded your arms across your chest and frowned at him. He chuckled and left.

"Are you still feeling dizzy my dear?" Elijah said as soon as Klaus left the room.

"No. I'm much better now." You smile down at the floor.

He walked over to you and cupped your chin in his hand. "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asked gently. You blushed and bit your lip, shaking your head.

"Really? Then they must be blind because you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire 1000 years." He whispered.

Your arms slowly wrapped around his neck. He gently placed his arms around your waist. "Thank you for saving me today Miss (last name)." He said resting his forehead on yours.

"The pleasures all mine Mr. Mikaelson." You giggled. He laughed and your lips met.

The kiss was loving and passionate. It didn't get too heated because Klaus returned and said that he and Elijah had some business to attend to. Elijah cursed under his breath and kissed your cheek before leaving. Before he exited the room he turned back to you.

"I shall pick you up tomorrow night at 8 for dinner. Until then, good night Y/N." He swiftly left, leaving you with the biggest grin imaginable.

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