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Imagine: Damon turns his emotions off and torturing you is the only way to turn it back on.

Damon had turned off his emotions once again. Nobody knows what for this time, it's like he just woke up one day and poof gone. I mean nobody likes feeling sad, angry or depressed but those feelings are all part of what makes us human.

Enzo has tried everything to get Damon to turn his humanity back in but nothing seems to be working. Emotionless Damon cares about nothing and nobody. Not even Elena which surprised everyone since we all thought he loved Elena dearly. Apparently not.

As a human and being fairly new to the supernatural world, all this was quite scary. Especially when all my friends are vampires and I'm just human that can die easily. Also, since the most dangerous thing that can hurt me right now is the man I love. Yes I love Damon Salvatore. Who wouldn't?

Right now, I just finished my shift at the grill so I was walking home at night. Probably not the best things to do in a town full of vampires, witches and werewolves but I didn't have a car so that meant using my two legs.

I wrapped my jacket around myself tightly to cover myself from the bitting wind that blew past. Suddenly, someone grabbed me, vamp speeding me into an ally and pinned me against a wall. My eyes were closed in fear. This was it, this is how I die. The vampire smirked. A familiar smirk.

I slowly opened my eyes. They were greeted by the sight of a raven haired, leather jacketed, man. "Damon? What the hell?!" I scowled. He was always doing this. Scaring me at random times just to get a reaction. "Hi" he smirked. I shrugged him off of me and stepped back remembering his non humanity state.

This could go two ways: one, he was going to feed from me, or two, toy with me and then kill me. Both were options that I didn't want to happen. Damon however, I couldn't tell.

"W-what are you doing here?"
"Aww you're scared of lil old me? That's adorable" he teased. I wanted to slap him but he's probably break my wrist so I restrained myself.

"I'm not scared, I'm just worried about you Damon. You're not you when your emotions are off" I bravely stepped closer to him, caressing his cheek in hope that he'd feel something. He looked into my eyes and for a second, just for a second, I swear I saw a glint of emotion. That quickly faded though.

"Oh come on Y/N. You know as well as I that this is the real Damon Salvatore. I'm ruthless and reckless but you love it" he grinned, backing me up to the wall once again, pushing his body against mine. I wasn't gonna lie, I've always wanted Damon to do this but not in this way. Not in a dirty ally with his humanity turned off.

"Damon please" I begged him not to.
"I can hear your heart beat Y/N, it tells me all I need to know" he smirked, kissing my neck.
"Not like this Damon. I don't want to do it with this Damon. I want the real Damon. The Damon who's sarcastic, flirty, slightly an alcoholic but still a gentleman and caring. I want that Damon" I was nearly in tears but I kept them back for Damon.

He froze on my neck, slowly moving back. Once he did, he looked at my face. I became hopeful that he processed my words and flipped his switch. "Hmm, that was quite the speech. However, I got bored half way through. And I'm hungry now so you'll have to do"

I screamed as he was about to sink his fangs into my neck. My eyes clamped shut, not wanting to see the terrifying sight. Then a whooshing sound was heard and Damon's body came flying off of me. When I opened my eyes, Enzo was stood there.

I was too scared to move so I just stood there shaking. My lips quivered and from my eyes, fell tears. Enzo rushed to my side. "Bloody hell love, are you alright?" He asked, embracing me. Enzo was my ex-boyfriend. We broke up ages ago but we still cared about each other. Not that we still loved each other but strongly cared about one another.

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