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My two favourite Daniels 😍

Imagine: Klaus brings Elijah home after a night out and he's drunk af 😂

I sat in my F/C nighty, on the sofa with my phone in one hand and cup of tea/coffee in the other. I was reading a Teen Wolf fanfic, my guilty pleasure on a quiet night when I was alone.

I'm never usually alone on nights like this but my fiancée, Elijah, was out on a guys night with his brother Niklaus. It was nice to see 'Lijah cut loose one in a while. He was always so busy being the noble brother in his brothers drama. He was even more on edge now that his niece, Hope, had been born. Elijah was the best uncle ever in my book. Maybe I just liked seeing him being cute with a little life in his strong vampire arms.

"Omg Isaac! You're so adorable" I sighed happily at the fanfic. Isaac was defiantly my favourite character. There was just something about him that reminded me of Kol for some reason. Probably just my imagination.
(A/N: Ahhh, see what I did there 😉)

Anyway, just as I finished the last paragraph of the Isaac-y goodness (ok I'll stop now 😂), there was a knock at the door. I put down my phone and tea/coffee, and made my way to the front door, gently pulling it open.

On the other side, stood Klaus supporting Elijah, who was leaning on him with a big drunken grin plastered on his face. "Hello love" Klaus smiled. "Really Klaus? You got him drunk?" I huffed, rolling my eyes playfully.
"What do you want me to say? Sorry? You mistake me for someone who actually is"

"Niklaussss" Elijah whined like a child. I quietly laughed. "Yes brother?"
"Where are we?"
"Your home"
Elijah's eyes met mine, opening wide. He lent closer to his brothers ear. "Nik, who's that?"
"It's Y/N brother" Nik smirked.
"She's sooo pretty" Elijah giggled.

I smiled at how child like he was being. Elijah never giggled. "Thank you Elijah, you are rather handsome too" I said softly.
"Hehe, she called me handsome Nik" Elijah blushed, going all shy like a teenage girl with a crush. Nik rolled his eyes.

"Ok, just put him on the couch" I told Klaus, stepping out of the doorway, allowing them to enter. Nik slumped Elijah down in the sofa. "Whoa, this is my house? It's awesome" Elijah breathed in awe. Me and Nik chuckled.
"Are you going to be alright on your own with him love?" Klaus asked.
"Yup. It's just like taking care of a really big vampire baby. The usual" I joked, making Klaus laugh.

"Brother, are you leaving now?" Elijah gasped.
"Yes Elijah"
"Don't go!" Elijah begged.
"And why not?" Klaus asked intrigued.
"Because what if Y/N thinks I'm weird? She's really really really beautiful and I don't want to mess up" Elijah whispered loudly, tears in his dark eyes.

Klaus moved closer to his brother, crouching down in front of him like you would do a child. "Don't fret brother, I have a secret to tell you"
"Tell me! Tell me!" Elijah clapped his hands, excitedly. "Y/N told me she likes you too"
Elijah's adorable face lit up. "She does?"
Klaus simply nodded.

Elijah turned to face me. To play along, I acted like I wasn't listening. I loved drunk Elijah. The way he acted towards me was too cute. "Ok, I got this. You can leave now Klaus. You might embarrass me" Elijah ushered his brother.
"Cause I'm totally the embarrassment" Klaus rolled his eyes, said a goodbye and left.

A silence came over me and my drunk fiancée. Since Elijah was too busy staring at me, I decided to break the silence. "Do you need anything to eat or drink 'Lijah?"
"No I'm good beautiful" he winked. He was now acting like a guy in a bar that comes up to you and randomly starts flirting.

"Ok tell me if you do" I sat down next to him.
"Did it hurt?
"Did what hurt?"
"When you fell from Heaven?" He smirked. As if I haven't heard that one a million times.
"No but I did scrape my knee pretty badly when I crawled up from Hell" I retorted.

Elijah burst out laughing. "You're so funny!"
I smiled and started to stand up but Elijah grabbed my hand. "What's up?"
"Don't leave, that guy over there keeps checking me out. He seems creepy"
I looked over to see the 'guy' Elijah was talking about. "Elijah honey, that guy is you." I giggled, he was looking at a picture of himself across the room.

Elijah processed this for a minute. "Damn I'm handsome." He smirked.
"Yes you are"
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure 'Lijah"
"Are you single?"
"Elijah, you are my fiancee" I told him, gently holding his big hand. The same hand with my engagement ring on.

Elijah looked shocked but soon his perfect lips turned up into a big grin. "I am?"
I nodded. "Wow, I'm surprised"
"How so?"
"Because have you seen you?! You're bloody beautiful! You hair, eyes, smile, you everything is gorgeous! Also you are so kind and funny and great and everything" he rambled.

My heart fluttered. I cuddled up to Elijah. He tensed for a moment but soon wrapped his arms around me. His cheek on the top of my head. "How did I get this lucky?" He whispered to himself. "I love you Elijah"
"I-I love you more Y/N".
And with that, we both fell asleep.


I woke first. Elijah was still asleep on the couch, adorably. Messy hair and all. I went to the kitchen, making breakfast and coffee, something I needed badly. I hated mornings.

As I was finishing the last of my cereal, a hungover Elijah stumbled in. "I should of not drunk as much as I did last night"
"I do agree. However drunk Elijah was funny"
"Oh god! What did I do?"
"You didn't recognise me so when Niklaus brought you home, you acted all giggly and flirty with me, calling me beautiful and pretty. Like a teenager I suppose. Then I told you we were engaged and you acted like it was the best thing in the world."

Elijah slumped down into a chair and chuckled lowly. "Well, I was telling the truth my dear"
"Aww thanks 'Lijah" I kissed his lips, giving him coffee. "You're too good to me" he grinned, sipping his beverage.

"How does a nice quiet day sound?" I asked.
"Good, looks like you need it"
"God I can't wait to marry you" he smirked.
"Me too my love. Now come on, I do believe there is a bed calling for us" I winked.
"Well we must go then." He chuckled, vamp speeding over to me, picking me up bridal style. "Calm down Elijah" I giggled.
"For you dear, never" he kissed me passionately, carrying me up to our bedroom...

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