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Song imagine again. Tell me if you like these and I'll do more.

Imagine: You and Damon break up so you sing Katy Perry- Part of Me, to show him you're not fazed by the break up, even though you still love him.

"Really Y/N? Again?" Caroline huffed.
"What?! It's not my fault Damon's an ass! I never touched his fucking bourbon!" I growled. We were at the Grill, drinking. This was the fifth time me and Damon had broken up. The fifth time I'd been through this bullshit. It was always over the smallest things like jealously or who drunk the last of the bourbon. Damon considered the last one to be a big thing though.

I angrily ordered my drink, almost downing it as soon as I got it. I could tell Damon was at the other side of the Grill with Enzo. I didn't care though. I was so infuriated with him. "It was Kol that drunk the last of it! Damon always blames me!" I ranted on, knowing Damon would hear me. Fucking prick.

"You two are so similar it's unreal" Care laughed. "I'm not a dick" I shot Damon a cold ass stare while saying that. He scowled back. "You seriously need to chill. Why don't you go up and sing?" Care suggested. I gave her a look which said "you're joking right?". She shook her head. The perfect song popped into my head.

"Why not? I've got the perfect song" I smirked, getting up on stage. My eyes flickered to my ex boyfriend. I silently mouthed "fuck you" and focused as the music started playing. I didn't want to brag but I was a pretty good singer.

'Days like this I want to drive away
Pack my bags and watch your shadow fade
You chewed me up and spit me out
Like I was poison in your mouth

You took my light, you drained me down
But that was then and this is now
Now look at me'

Every time me and Damon broke up I sometimes wanted to scream "FUCK IT!", grab my bags and drive away, watching his shadow fade. Other times, it felt like he didn't want a relationship. He just wanted to use me and throw me aside like I were some sought of poison. He was darkness, taking my light and draining me down.

But I shook that off. I weren't going to be one of those girls who cried over their asshats of boyfriends every time they fought. I abandoned my old self and took on a new side. This was me now and I wanted everyone, especially Damon, to see it.

"This song is vaguely ironic" I heard Enzo smirk to Damon. "She is really good though" he added. That comment only made me show off more. I wanted to show Damon that he didn't effect me what so ever.

'This is the part of me
That you're never gonna ever take away from me, no

This is the part of me
That you're never gonna ever take away from me, no

Throw your sticks and your stones,
Throw your bombs and your blows
But you're not gonna break my soul

This is the part of me
That you're never gonna ever take away from me, no'

This new part of me, nobody could take away from me. And when I say nobody, I meant nobody, not even Damon. He could protest, scream, anything. I didn't care! He was not gonna break me down. As I was singing this, I stared at Damon, telling him that he was not gonna break me. I was a wild horse. I swore I saw a smirk on his face.

'I just wanna throw my phone away
Find out who is really there for me

You ripped me off, your love was cheap
Was always tearing at the seams

I fell deep, you let me down
But that was then and this is now
Now look at me'

The amount of people who had text me, asking if I were ok, pissed me off to the point where I just wanted to throw my phone away. I just wanted to find out if anyone would be there for me, physically, not on some phone screen.

Damon's love was weak. He never did anything romantic. Apart from sex. The only thing he seemed to be good at in a relationship. I tried furthering our relationship but he always managed to tear it away somehow.

I fell so deep in love with the blue eyed vampire it was amazing. However, despite the happiness, he was never satisfied for some reason. That really let me down. I always believed in him. But I guess I was wrong. But that was the past, I wanted to focus on the now. Showing Damon who I really was.

From the outside, Damon was his usual cold figure. Inside, was a different story. He was taking in your words and feeling guilty. He never wanted to let you down. He just wasn't good at expressing himself. That was more Stefan's deal. He was the romantic brother, Damon was just the bad boy.

'Now look at me I'm sparkling
A firework, a dancing flame
You won't ever put me out again
I'm glowin', oh, whoa

So you can keep the diamond ring
It don't mean nothing anyway

In fact you can keep everything, yeah, yeah,
Except for me'

I danced around the stage singing, still watching Damon. The new me was more confident, fun, just better. Damon was never gonna take that away again. One time, when me and Damon were still together, I found an engagement ring in his shirt drawer. Damon didn't know that I did. I smirked as I saw his blue eyes widen in shock. However, now that we'd broken up, and there was a new me, I didn't care about the ring. It doesn't mean nothing to me now.

In fact, I didn't care so much that I didn't give a shit about my belongings at his house. He could keep them for all I care. I just wanted a fresh start. Everything was his, apart from me of course.

I finished the song and bowed as everyone in the grill clapped. I gave Damon a smug wave and walked out of the grill. Through all of my not caring attitude, I still loved the bad boy. However hard I tried, my feelings never changed. I don't think they ever would.

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