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Imagine: You're a Salvatore and Damon pisses you off which resorts in a fight. Klaus walks in as you're doing so and takes an instant liking to you.

"Damon Giuseppe Salvatore!" I yelled as I barged into the Salvatore Boarding House, almost breaking the door off its hinges. My blood was boiling in rage. Stupid brothers! Why must they infuriate me till the point where I want to murder someone! Anyone! I was rather hot headed as you could tell.

I stomped into the front room, seeing my annoying, arrogant, asshole of a brother. He was sitting in front of the fire, glass of bourbon in his hand, acting like he did nothing wrong. I knew full well that he knew what he did, he just didn't want to admit it.

"Yes sister?" He asked innocently.
"Don't you 'yes' me! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shouted, resisting the urge to snap his neck. "What do you mean?" He furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion. Stefan has now entered the room because of all the shouting. "You said, promised more like,  you'd pick me up from school but no you had to ditch your own sister for you stupid girlfriend!"

"Really Damon?" Stefan face palmed.
"What? Elena needed help and you're a vampire Y/N, you can handle yourself"
"I don't have a car and you made me walk home in the rain!" I gestured to my soaked figure. "Oh so that why you look like you've just been swimming"
"Stefan imma kill him" I clenched my fists.

"I know Y/N, many people want to as well. Let's leave it to them" Stefan tried to calm me down. I took a deep breath and nodded at him. "Listen to Steffie baby sister" Damon chuckled.
My temper was now rapidly increasing. I'm sure steam was coming out of my ears.

Before I could act in my impulses, a deep voice spoke up. "I left my house to get away from my family problems but apparently I've stumbled onto yours" A handsome, blonde, stubbly man grinned. My heart beat rose as I admired his strong features. Sharp jawline, broad shoulders, mischievous eyes. Just handsome.

"What do you want Klaus?" Stefan huffed.
"A warm welcome for a start. But truthfully, I came here for the moonstone. However, it seems I found something more intriguing" he winked at me, making me blush. "I'm gonna puke" Damon gagged. At the sound of his voice, I snapped my head back to him.

"You'll be coughing up your own lungs when I'm finished with you"
Klaus laughed. "May I ask the cause of this little spat love?" He asked me politely. Something tells me he doesn't do politely a lot. "My brother here, abandoned me for his pathetic girlfriend and left me to walk home in the rain. My hair is ruined Damon, thanks to your selfish antics"

"Don't call Elena pathetic" Damon growled.
"Oh and what should I call her? Bitch? Cow? Skank?" I snort. Using his vamp speed, Damon ran up to me, pining me to the wall behind me by my neck. "Don't call her anything!"
"Damon let her go!" Stefan ordered. Klaus stood like he was ready to pounce.

"Aww is poor Damy mad?" I giggle, not caring about the pressure he applied to my neck. "Y/N don't wind him up more" Stefan begged.
"Oh don't worry Stefan..." I quickly kneed Damon in the crotch, making him cripple over in pain. Seeing this, I punched him in the face. Damon sprawled out on the floor.

"He's easy to take down" I finish my previous sentence. Klaus smirked. "You bitch" Damon muttered. I bent down beside him. "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Speak up" I smile smugly at him. "You bit-" before he could even finish, I snapped his neck. I stood back up, dusting my hands off. "Damn that felt good"

Stefan looked at me with shock. "What? He'll wake up...hopefully with an aching neck" I giggle. Stefan shook his head and grabbed Damon's body, dragging it out of the room. Now it was just me and Klaus. "Family huh? You can't pick em" I joke, pouring myself a much needed bourbon.

"I agree with you there love. You're defiantly a Salvatore I haven't met much to my disappointment" Klaus watched me with interest. "Well let's fix this situation. I'm Y/N Salvatore, youngest of the Salvatore's. Nice to meet you" I stuck my hand out. Klaus takes my hand, bringing it up to his lips, placing a soft kiss on the back.

"Niklaus Mikaelson, pleasure to make your acquaintance love"
"What were you looking for again Niklaus?" I smile, getting lost in his dreamy eyes. "The moonstone. And your number" he smirked.
"I know where the moonstone is but my number, tsk that's a tough one" I wink. He chuckled. "I love a challenge"

I motioned him to follow me. He obliged, following me to Damon's room. My brother was passed out, or partially dead, on his bed. I went into his bathroom, going to his soap pot, rummaging around until I found the moonstone. When I did, I gave it to Klaus.

"Why are you just giving this to me? I am the big bad wolf after all" he reminded me.
"I know. Half of me is doing this because I want to piss my brother off but the other half likes you" I shrug. Klaus smiled. His smile lit up the whole room. "To show my appreciation, I want to take you out. Because all of me likes you love" he chuckled. I blushed with a giggle.

"I would love to Nik"
"Very well love, I shall see you tonight" he kissed my forehead, turning to leave. "Wait Klaus!" I stop him. He turned, raising an eyebrow. "Here" I pass him a piece of scrap paper that had my number scrolled on it.
"Not much of a challenge that was" Klaus stuffed it in his pocket. "Yeah yeah whatever. Now get out of here before I snap your neck too" I playfully warn him.
"I'd like to see you try love" he smirked, vamp speeding away.

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