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Summer. My favourite time of year. Suns out, smoking hot guys with their muscles out, what could be better? Nothing according to me and Caroline, my best friend since birth. Care had organised a summer party by the lake. It was times like this where I really appreciated my daylight ring. I'd been a vampire since 1950.

Pretty much the entire of Whitmore collage had shown up. Girls were in tight or too revealing bikinis whilst guys were in swim shorts, 6 packs on show. Eye candy everywhere basically.

I was in a black bikini and Care was in shorts and a bikini top. We both wore sunglasses, looking sexy as hell. "Y'know Care, not to brag but I think we're the best looking girls here" I giggled. "It's not bragging if you're telling the truth" she winked. I smirked and laid back on my towel.

"Honestly, some girls try to hard" Care scoffed, watching a group of girls 'flirt' with some hot guys. "Yeah but most guys now a days babe will shag anything that moves" I huff.
"True that" Caroline chuckled. "I'm just lucky I have Matt" she sighed dreamily.

"Ughh speaking of Matty, he's getting hit on by Stacy the slag" I nodded in Matts direction. He was at his truck, filling his cup with beer. "What?! Oh it's on! Slaggy Stacy's gonna get slapped" Care growled and shot up, marching up to Matts and Stacy's direction.

I flipped onto my back, leaning up on my elbows as I watched Care claim her man. After a few minutes, Stacy took her hormones elsewhere. Care kissed Matt like her life depended on it. Then the couple slipped into the woods to *cheeky cough* claim ownership of each other.

I giggled to myself and went back to sunbathing. "Hey Y/N" a deep voice spoke.
"Hey Steffie" I smirked at Stefan. He groaned at the nickname. "Where's Caroline?" He asked, sitting down on her empty towel. "Getting hot and bothered in the woods" I explain. "Eww do y'have to put it that way" he cringed.

"Yup" I giggle.
"So how's life?" He smiled.
"Single as a Pringle but not sure if I want to mingle" I shrug, moving my sunglasses back up my nose. "And whys that?" Stefan questioned.
"Well my last boyfriend cheated on me and not to sound snobby but there's no guys here that spark my interest" I sigh, putting my hand under my chin.

"Ouch that hurts" Stefan pretended to be offended. I playfully punched him on the shoulder. "Y'know I love ya really Stef" I said in a friendly way. "I know kiddo" he ruffled my hair and I squealed. "Hey I'm sort of the same age as you!" I laugh.
"Nah I believe I've got about 100 years on you" he winked. I stuck my tongue out at him and chuckled.

Me and Stefan stayed like this for a while, talking and joking. Then I saw Damon and another extremely hot guy arrive, both shirtless, which I for one was not complaining about. I flipped onto my stomach to get a better look at the mysterious stranger. He had dark hair and dark eyes, which intrigued me.

"Hey Stef" I called.
"Hmm" he hummed a response.
"Who's that?" I nodded towards the guy.
"Oh him. That's Enzo, Damon's best friend so to speak. They were in Augustine together" he told me. I nodded. "He's rather handsome, don't ya think" I blurted out. Then I remembered vampire hearing. "Shit" I whispered.

Stefan was now laughing his ass off. "Do you think he heard me?" I panicked.
"I think he's older than Damon, vampire wise, so probably" Stef chuckled. I bit my lip nervously, habit you see. I flickered my eyes back to Enzo. He was already staring at me with a devilish smirk on his nice face.

"Y/N, staring's creepy" Stefan reminded me. I pulled my eyes away. "I'm creepy anyway. Don't need anymore help" I giggle. Stefan nodded his head to say he agreed. "Wow thanks. Y'really know how to make me feel better" I scoff playfully.
"What's my brother done now?" Damon's voice came from above me. Probably with Enzo.

I was too embarrassed to look up. They sat down next to us. "Called me creepy" I mutter.
"Only telling the truth sweetie" Stef smirked.
"Says the one who eats Bambi. Oh and if you call me sweetie again I'll personally shove vervain down your throat" I retorted. Enzo chuckled. "I'd take her seriously Stefan. Y/N put vervain in my bourbon one time" Damon warned.

"Oh yeah! I remember that. Well you deserved it. Stealing one of my bra's is a dick move" I giggle. "I've still got it if you want it back" Damon winked. "I don't know what you've done to it so you can keep it" I sat up, crossing my legs.

"Hi I'm Y/N" I introduced myself to Enzo.
"Hello gorgeous" he kissed the back of my hand, speaking in a dreamy British accent "I'm Lorenzo, but you can call me Enzo". I blushed and smiled back. "So where's vampire barbie?" Damon asked. "Exchanging body heat with Matty" I giggled. Damon cringed. "I'm gonna be sick" he gagged.

"Oh shut up Damon. We all know you had a thing with Care ages ago" I reminded him.
"Hmm she was quite, spunky" Damon smirked.
"You Damon Salvatore are gross" I grimaced.
"You're welcome" he winked. I scoffed, laying onto my stomach and went back to sunbathing.

I heard Damon whistle behind me so I just flipped him off. "So how's you and the boyfriend?" Damon chuckled. I saw Stefan silently tell Damon to shut up. "If you really want to know, the prick cheated on me" I growl. "Why would anyone want to cheat on a bloody gorgeous girl like you love?" Enzo questioned, accent thick.

"Aww thanks Enzo. See Damon, why can't you be a gentleman like Enzo here?" I giggled.
"Cause unlike Enzo, I don't have little crush on you" Damon said in-a-matter-of-fact tone. I tensed and sat up. Enzo hit Damon in the back of the head. "Ow!" Damon exclaimed.

I saw Enzo blush and start to look uncomfortable. "Well Enzo is very handsome and I have a thing for accents so I'm glad he has a crush on me." I smile, trying to make Enzo comfortable. He grinned and gave a smug look to Damon. "So guys, how about some bourbon?" I reached into my bag and pulled out a bottle.

Enzo looked like he was going to kiss me right there. "It's not spiked with vervain is it?" Damon joked. "Yours might be, but I promise Enzo's won't be" I wink at Enzo and he smirked back. "This is why you're my favourite vamp" Damon chuckled, reaching for the bourbon.
"Mine too" Enzo mumbled under his breath.

I gave Damon the bottle and passed glasses around. My fingers touched Enzo's as I passed him his glass. Electricity sparked through my body, causing me to shudder. Damn, I was defiantly attracted to him. "Where did you get this from anyway?" Stefan spoke up, after a long time.

"Damon's secret stash" I said, not giving two shits. "WHAT?!" Damon yelled. "How'd you know where my secret stash is?" He shouted.
"It's under your bed, next to your porno magazines. Seriously Damon, a porno stash? What are you? 12?" I raise my eyebrow. Me, Enzo and Stefan burst out laughing at the same time.

"Whatever, Imma go find Elena" he grumbled and walked off. "You are one hell of a girl Y/N" Enzo grinned, clearly impressed. "Please save your autographs for later" I joke. Enzo smirked. Seeing me and Enzo were having a moment, Stefan made up a random excuse and walked off.

"Seriously though, you're gorgeous, funny, alluring, bourbon loving and just all around amazing" Enzo complimented.
"Well thank you Mr. Handsome himself" I giggle. "I defiantly like you" he smirked. I went into my bad and pulled out a pen. Then I grabbed Enzo's big hand and wrote my number on his palm.

"Call me" I winked and kissed his cheek before picking up my stuff and walking away. I heard Damon yell "yeah Enzo! Get some!"
I giggled and got into my car, driving home, awaiting a call or text from Enzo.

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