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Enzo's POV

I was sitting at home having a bourbon, waiting for my beautiful girlfriend Y/N to come home. She was out with Elena and Caroline, celebrating Caroline and Klaus's engagement.
(A/N: Let it happen! I ship it!)

Y/N wasn't one to go out much, she prefers to stay indoors with a good drink and book. I'd usually stay in to just to be with her. We'd cuddle, get hammered (British humour), and just have a fun time.

It was now 11:30pm. I was beginning to worry about her but I knew she could handle herself. She is a vampire after all. Well newbie vamp. Elena and Caroline are with her so I shouldn't worry. My over protectiveness was showing.

I paced up and down the room, running my hand though my hair. I heard a familiar swoosh and in through the door sped a drink Y/N. I could tell she was drunk because she was leaning against walls and smiling like an idiot. Cute though.

"Heyyy youuuuu!" She giggled, eyes half closed.

"How much did you have to drink?" I asked.

"Let's see...if I said pretty much the whole bar, would you be angry?" She slurred. I shook my head amused.

"We did have a real great time. We danced on tables and did shots and I even beat Elena on a drinking contest." She said proudly.

Y/N started to walk over to the kitchen but stumbled. I quickly grabbed her and she clung onto me. "Steady love." I chuckled.

"I love it when you call me Love." She smiled goofily.

"Well I'll keep calling you it from now on Love."

"Oh my god! You're British accent is so frickin hot. It turns me on so much." She confessed without a care.

"Happy to help with your hormones." I smirked.

I helped her to the sofa and we sat down. She rested her pretty head on my lap. She looked up and my and caressed my cheek. "You're really handsome." She whispered, smiling.

"Thanks love. You're beautiful too." I grinned.

"Don't flirt with me. I've got a boyfriend. He'll kick your butt." She giggled adorably.

Sometimes, Y/N doesn't recognise me when she's drunk, it's quite funny. She still knows that she has a boyfriend though. It makes me feel better to know that if any sleezeball tries to hit on her, she'll tell them that she's taken. And yes, I will kick their ass if they touch her.

"I'm sure he will Love. Tell me what he's like."

"He's a lot like you. Handsome, British, sexy, funny, British, awesome hair, strong, did I say British? Don't get me started on the accent. It's hot as hell! I love him so much." She rambled on. I chuckled at her. She really though all these things about me?

"Well I'm sure he loves you too. I fact he told me that he thinks you're beautiful, amusing, alluring, lovely and perfect." I smiled down at her, playing with her soft hair. Y/N laughed and sat up. She scooted closer to me and cuddled up to my arm.

"You make me happy 'y'know that?" She breathed.

I smirked to myself and kissed her head. "I hope I do."

"I'm hungry." She whined like a 4 year old.

"Stay here love and I'll grab you a blood bag." I patted her leg, stood up and walked to the fridge. I pulled out a blood bag and poured the red liquid into a glass.

Y/N took her high heels off and sank into the sofa. I passed her the glass and the veins under her eyes emerged. Damn her vamp face was attractive. She slipped the blood and some slid down her chin. I couldn't help myself. I lent my head forward and licked off the blood.

Y/N giggled and placed her soft lips onto mine.
Our lips moved in sync. They fitted together perfectly like they were made for each other.
I ran my tongue over her bottom lip, seeking entrance. She smiled into the kiss and willingly opens her mouth. I slid my tongue in and we fought for dominance. I won. She groaned and I smirked.

As I pulled back she seemed confused. She tries to kiss me again but I stopped her. "Kiss me you idiot." She whined.

I stood up and picked her up bridal style. She squealed and giggled. What're you doing?"

I took her to our bedroom and placed her gently on the bed. I opened the drawers and pulled out some on her pyjamas. Y/N took off her dress and changed into them. I changed into my pyjamas and caught her staring at me. She bit her lip and smirked at me.

Y/N came over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and started to kiss my neck. I growled under my breath but pulled back.
"Y/N love, you're drunk and I'm not taking advantage of that." I explained. Disappointment fell on her face but she nodded and hugged me.

I chuckled and hugged back. We both got into bed and I cuddled up to her. I gave her a peck on her forehead and we both fell asleep in each other's warm embrace.

Your POV

I woke to a banging headache and an extremely dry throat. I made my way over to the kitchen and poured my myself a glass of water. The cool liquid replenished my throat.

I put the glass down and rubbed my eyes. The painful headache seemed to get worse by the second. I held my head and sat down on one of the kitchen chairs. My head was in my hands when Enzo came in, chuckling.

"Alright love?" He smirked.

"Shut up asshole." I frowned and winced.

"Let me get you some aspirin Darling." He chuckled and rummaged around in the cupboard for the medicine. He passed me a glass of water and 2 pills which I gladly took.

Enzo sat down next to me and smiled.
"If I ever go out drinking again, I want you to punch me cause this hangover is awful." I complained.

Sorry to hear that love, how about we have a movie day? Just me and you relaxing all day." He suggested.

I looked up at his handsome face. "That's the best thing I've heard all week." I chuckled. Enzo grabbed the snacks and stuff whilst I set up the movie with blankets and pillows. He sat down next to me and we cuddled.

"You really are a big softie y'know that?" I giggle.

"Yeah yeah, just don't tell Damon I did this. He won't shut up about it." He sighed.

"I won't. You're the best boyfriend ever." I said, snuggling into him.

"Anything for my gorgeous girl." He grinned.

"I love you Enzo."

"I love you more Gorgeous."

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