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"Oh my god!" I exclaimed, extremely bored.

I was trapped in a prison world that for some reason repeated the same stupid day, with the same stupid eclipse in a never ending cycle of stupidness. I chuckled at that.

I was only trapped here cause I murdered a few people...ok ok more like a few dozen. Don't look at me like that! I'm a newbie vampire! Nobody taught me self control or gave me a book on how to be a vampire- the basics. I did feel bad for the people I'd killed but at the same time it satisfied my vampire side.

Apparently people don't like you slaughtering innocent people so some witches trapped me in this here prison world all by my lonely self. It was fun at first. I went round driving cool cars and doing whatever the hell I wanted to but now it was so boring that I wanted to blow my brains out. I needed someone to talk to before I went crazy.

I lived in Mystic Falls and was friends with the whole gang, y'know Damon, Stefan, Elena and all that drama filled group. Right now I was in the Salvatore Boarding House, dressed in a white tank top with black lace panties cause I wanted to be comfy and it's not like anyone was going to see me anyway.

I grabbed a bottle of Damon's bourbon and headed over to the stereo. I flicked through songs after songs until I found one I liked and shoved it into the stereo. Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At The Disco came blearing through the speakers. I turned up the volume and dance around the room, drinking the bourbon.

"And never did I think that I, would be caught in the way you caught me. But girls love girls and boys. Love is not a choice." I sang, moving my hips to the beat.

"I'm just a villain fighting for attention from a girl. A girl who can't decide and here's the reason why, girls love girls and boys!" I yelled, tipsy from the alcohol.

I ran my hands up my body and held them above my head as I spun around still dancing. My eyes caught the attention of someone leaning on a post watching me. I froze and dropped the bottle of bourbon onto the floor. I used my vamp speed to run up to him and pinned him up the wall by his neck. He smirked.

"Who the hell are you?" I snarled.

"Whoa calm down princess, I'm Kai and you're gorgeous." He winked. I laughed at his pathetic attempt for flirting. "I'm not going to hurt you, hey don't get me wrong I love your kinky side but can you let me down?" He asked. I hesitated but loosened my grip when I saw his dark puppy eyes. I removed my hand and backed up.

"Nice dancing by the way." Kai winked.

I blushed. "Shut up."

"I love your taste in music and your fashion, it's hot." He smirked, and his eyes roamed all over my body.

"How are you here? I thought I was the only one trapped here." I said, trying to ignore his comments even though I liked them.

"Well princess, it appears you're not the only good looking killer here." He chuckled.

Kai was arrogant to say the least but there was something different about him. There was no doubt that he was extremely handsome and a bit of a flirt but I bet underneath, he's a nice guy. Hopefully.

"Well Kai, nice to meet you. I'm Y/N." I smiled as I introduced myself. "Sorry about the whole pinning you up thing."

"It's alright princess, how long have you been here?"

"A few weeks, you?" I tilted my head and sat down on the sofa, stretching my legs out.

Kai walked closer and sat down on the coffee table in front of me. "20 years believe it or not." He answered, laughing at my shocked expression.

"Whoa, I got bored after 3 weeks, how'd you manage 20 years? You're really cool." I rambled on.

Kai flashed an alluring grin which turned me on. "Thanks sweet cheeks, I guess I am."

"So what're you, vampire, human, werewolf?" I guessed.

"Gemini witch actually."

"Awesome, what can you do with your witchy powers?" I asked curious.

He looked me in the eye and smirked. The fire and candles around the room suddenly lit up. I peered around, amazed. "Holy crap!" I laughed and smiled at Kai, who was already looking at me.

"Well if I'm going to be stuck here at least I'm stuck here with someone who I can fascinate with my powers." He chuckled.

I smiled, he was really cute. "How'd you end up here anyway?" I said, biting my lip.

"I, uh, murdered half my family." He muttered.

I was shocked but didn't let it show. "Well you seem like a real nice guy and you haven't tried to hurt me yet, so I like you." I giggled, making Kai look at me weird. "What?"

"N-nothing, you're just the first person to not judge me and call me a psycho." He stuttered.

"Well I judge people by what they've done to me and not their reputation, so as long as you don't do anything bad to me you don't have to worry your handsome face." I reassured him.

His eyes lit up. "Thanks princess."

"Anytime, now let's dance." I giggled getting up and putting on another song. American Idiot by Green Day, rang through the speakers.

I grabbed Kai's hand and started dancing. He chuckled and played the air guitar. I giggled and swayed my body to the beat. For a while we sang, danced and drank, enjoying each other's company. Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran softly played on the background as me and Kai slow danced in each other's arms.

My head was in the crook of his neck and his arms rested around my waist. His head against mine. I felt all tingly and weird in my stomach. I knew I felt something for him. Kai hummed the tune softly. In this moment everything wrong with our lives disappeared. It was just me and him.

I lifted my head slowly and looked into his dark eyes. I cupped his cheek as my eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips and back. Kai's breathing became ragged and he lent slowly in for a kiss. I kissed back and our lips moved in sync. This was the best kiss I'd ever had. We pulled back for air and gazed at each other.

"Wow." Kai breathed and I smiled.

"I gotta hand it to ya handsome, you're a hell of a kisser." I giggled.

He looked pleased with himself and rested his forehead against mine. "I know this might sound strange since we've only know each other for a few hours but in those hours I've felt something towards you that I've never felt towards anyone else. You're so beautiful and amazing. I think I love you Princess."

Butterflies exploded in my stomach. "I love you too Kai. You're a real fun and sweet guy. And you're totally handsome." I confess back.

Kai smashed his lips onto mine. The kiss was passion filled and needy. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Kai asked when he pulled back.

I grinned and nodded. He chuckled and picked me up by the hips and spun me around. I squealed and laughed. "I love you so much!" Kai bit his lip as he placed me down.

"I love you more." I giggled.

Maybe this prison world isn't so bad after all.

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