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Imagine you are a vampire and you get bit by a werewolf. Italics mean flashbacks. M/N= mothers name.

I walked out of the grill and pulled my coat tightly around me. The air was harsh against my skin. I'd been at the grill with Enzo, my best friend, for a few hours. We'd been drinking and just having a good time.

Enzo had to leave for some emergency, probably Damon. I left soon after. Partly because I could smell a werewolf in the bar. He just sat, watching me with a creepy gaze. Murderous would probably be the right word. I didn't want any trouble so I left.

As I walked down the empty street, my vampire senses pricked at my skin. I stopped and turned to see if someone, or something was following me. Nothing. I began walking again, but faster this time. The short cut to my house was down an ally. An eerie ally.

The air nipped at my legs, especially since I wore shorts. Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the narrow passage. I jumped around to see the same werewolf from the grill. "C-can I help you?" I stuttered, scared. I knew I was a vampire but I got scared easily.

"Just doing Mystic Falls a favour and getting rid of another vampire abomination" he smirked, eyes glowing yellow. I stepped back.
"You really want to harm the girlfriend of an original vampire, Kol Mikaelson?" I scoffed. Kol wasn't really my boyfriend, I just said that so maybe the wolf would leave me alone. I still liked him anyway. We were friends with benefits really.

"Now that I think about it, yeah. Yeah I would" he chuckled, lunging at me. My fangs bleared, hissing at the wolf. We fought for a while before he pinned me down. He bit into my neck, making me scream in pain as his venom entered my system.

The wolf took off afterwards. I laid in the ally for a few moments. My mind was racing. What the hell was I going to do? I'm going to die. This is how my life ends. After 300 years, my life was just over.

Stumbling about, I managed to get up. I vamp sped to the Mikaelson mansion. I stopped a few times as I was getting dizzy. Finally, I made it to their front door. I knocked rapidly. The door opened in a matter of seconds, revealing Kol on the other side.

His smirk soon fell off of his face as he saw me in pain. "Y/N, what the bloody hell happened?" He panicked. I opened my mouth to speak but all that came out was a whimper. I starting falling to the floor but Kol caught me in his strong arms, carrying me bridal style onto the sofa.

"Drinking...at bar with...Enzo...he left and so did I...werewolf...attacked me...bit me" I said in between shaky breaths. "The bastard!" Kol muttered. "I'm...I'm going...to die Kol" I whispered, fear filling my voice.

"No you're bloody not Darling! I'm got going to let that happen! I'll get Klaus's blood and we'll heal you. I'm going to tear that dogs heart from his chest and make him eat it" he rambled on.
"He smelt like wet dog as well" I joke, trying to lighten the mood. Kol chuckled.

"Kol?" I close my heavy eyelids.
"Yes love?"
"Stay...stay with me" I breath, passing out.
"Always and forever my Darling" he smiled, brushing a strand of hair out of my face and behind my ear.

"Y/N dear, come down now. Your guests are
missing you" my mother called. I straightened out my dress. "Coming mother" I reply. I made my way out of my room and towards the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs waited my mother.

"You look beautiful Y/N" she gasped.
"Thank you mother"
"Happy birthday" she congratulated. It was my 20th birthday and my family had arranged a ball in my honour.

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