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Your POV

I was helping my boyfriend Kai practise with his magic and his new vamp abilities since he turned recently. I wasn't a vampire but since Mystic Falls is vampire central you learn a few things. Kai on the other hand was not handling it well, y'know sociopath and vampire don't mix well.

"Right so when you feel hungry out in public, you snatch a person away but not too violently cause then other people with notice, then feed and afterwards erase their memory. Got that?" I explained. Kai smiled and nodded.

"Ok good. Now I want you to compel me to do something. Apart from hurting someone or something." I giggled, taking off my vervain necklace. Kai smirked evilly. He lent close to my face and looked me straight in the eye.

"Kiss me." He ordered.

My body obeyed and I kissed his soft lips. After a few moments I pulled back. "This is so awesome." Kai chuckled.

I smiled and shook my head. "You're so lucky I love you." I said, playfully punching his shoulder. He pretended to be hurt.

"How dare you? I think you need to be punished." I smirked, seductively.

"Oh really and what does Mr. Kai Parker suggest?" I winked playing along.

He quickly pinned me down and hovered over me. "Maybe...a few...kisses." said as he was kissing up my neck. I bit my lip and giggled.

Kai growled as he sucked on my neck. He was really boisterous when it came to our little make out sessions. It was actually kind of adorable. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my neck and I realised that Kai had bit me.

Kai was the first to pull back. His eyes were filled with regret and sorrow. "Oh my God, Y/N baby! I'm so sorry!" He panicked.

I cupped his cheek in my hand and smiled. "It's alright sweetie, I understand. Your new, you still can't control the urge." I reassured him. He nodded sadly but his eyes lingered on the blood from my neck.

"Kai of you want some you can have some. It will help you learn self control. I trust you." I offered but Kai seemed to hesitate.

"A-are you sure?" He stuttered, looking into my eyes. I nodded and moved my hair out of the way for him to get a clear bite of my neck.

Kai's vamp face emerged and he fangs bleared. And I have to say, it was frickin hot! He came closer and returned his teeth to my neck. He grunted as he sucked my blood. 1 minute later and he retracted his fangs and took in a big gulp of air. Kai calmed his vamp face and licked the remaining blood from his lips.

"Feel better?" I asked.

"Your blood taste so good babe." He chuckled.

Then he bit into his wrist and fed me his blood to heal the bite wound. I thanked him and we sat cuddling on the sofa for an while, just watching TV and talking.

"Well since you've had your dinner, I'm going to make mine." I smirked and kissed him before walking off to the kitchen. I put food into the oven and reached for a plate. As I pulled the plate out I screamed.

Kai's POV

Man I love Y/N. After all I've done, somehow she still manages to love me for some reason. She is the best thing that's happened to me and I never want to let her go. Her blood was so sweet. I wanted to drink more but I had to learn self control.

I sighed and used my magic to lift a pillow into the air. I did this for quite a while until I heard Y/N scream. I shot up and ran straight into the kitchen. Y/N was in the corner, shaking in fear.
I went up to her and embraced her. She buried her face into my chest.

"Y/N what's wrong? Why did you scream?" I questioned.

"I-I o-open the cupboard to get a p-plate and...oh my god Kai it was going to eat me!" She cried.

I wrapped my arms around her protectively. "Nothing's going to hurt you while I'm around. Now what is it?" I looked over at the cupboard to see nothing.

Y/N didn't say anything she just hides behind me. I cautiously walked over to the cupboard and squatted down. There was a plate turned upside down on the marble floor. I glanced back to  Y/N and she looked in terror at the plate.

'What the hell is she so scared of?' I asked myself.

Slowly I began lifting the plate up. Y/N squealed behind me. Under the plate was a small spider. I chuckled. "It was going to kill me Kai. The creepy shit." Y/N mumbled.

I gave her a look that said 'really?' and smirked.

"Don't you look at me with those judge filled eyes." She pouted, adorably.

I sighed and scooped up the spider and flung it outside. Y/N let out a big breath and relaxed. "You're so dramatic y'know that right?" I lifted my eyebrow up and smiled.

"Fine I guess you don't get a thank you kiss." She turned away but I quickly grabbed her wrist and smashed my lips onto her's. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she did the same around my neck. The kiss was passionate but we stopped before it got too heated.

"My hero." Y/N giggled.

"Happy to help a beautiful lady such as yourself." I winked and she blushed.

She went back to attend to her food before she burnt the whole house down, which she would do knowing her. I smacked her gorgeous butt as she walked away and she gasped, playfully.

"You're mine after I eat." She said with a flirtatious look.

"Can't wait." I smirked. God I loved her so bloody much.

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