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My names Y/N Westfield and I'm a student at Whitmore Collage. My dad, Max Westfield, teaches here as well. He also does some stuff down at this creepy lab but I don't really know what it is. When I ask him what he's doing he says;

"Just work sweetheart. People volunteer to be tested on but they need to be kept in cages for safely reasons."

I get a bad feeling about it and try to stay away but I'm only human, my curiosity eats away at me. One day, when I was free from lectures all day, I snuck down to the lab. I made sure that my dad wasn't around and went inside.

All around the room was science-y stuff, mysterious liquids, and for some reason, scalpels and surgical knifes. I shuddered. There was a door on the other side of the room which peeked my interest. Once again, I made sure that nobody was around and then slowly opened the door.

Inside the room, it was cramped, filthy and filled with jail cells. From what I could see only 3 cells were full. Biting my lip, I walked in and saw a black haired man and a brunette girl were inside 2 cells and were passed out. I looked inside the 3rd cell and saw a handsome, dark haired man.

He was slouched against the wall and was extremely pale. His chest ruggedly went up and down, looking extremely weak. "Hey are you ok?" I asked, worried.

His eyes tiredly flickered at me. "Well, hello gorgeous." He smirked in a sexy British accent. I blushed and smiled.

"What's your name?" I question.

"Lorenzo, but please call me Enzo." He winked.

"Now who might you be, gorgeous?" He added.

"I'm Y/N. Y/N Westfield." I answer him politely.

He scoffed. "Dr Westfield's daughter I suppose. Lovely man." He said, sarcastically.

"I don't know what he does down here but from the condition you're in, I can tell it's not good." I sighed, sadly.

"Your father is a very...surgical man." He chuckled dryly.

"Please Enzo, tell me what he does. I get this bad feeling from this. Maybe I could help you." I suggested. Enzo grinned.

"Listen love, your father tortu-"

"Y/N!!" My fathers voice boomed.

I gasped and stood up quickly, backing away from Enzo's cell. "Dad, I can explain." I started.

"I don't care! I told you not to come down here because its-"

"Dangerous, I know! I don't care! I want to know why there's a creepy jail cell down here...full of attractive men." I muttered the last part under my breath. Enzo seemed to of heard because he smirked.

"Now is not the time Y/N! I have to work! Now go to your dorm and don't come down here again!" He ordered.

I clenched my fists in anger and stared at my father. "Why won't you talk to me?! Ever since mom died-"

"Don't you dare bring her into this!" He growled.

I sighed angrily and turned to Enzo. "I'm sorry Enzo." I smiled and he nodded back. I stormed out of the room, pushing past my father as I left.

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