Helping With Insecurity

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Here I am laying on the couch, thinking about my life. Well, let me get up and get ready for Lucas's football game. I didnt really ever understand how a big fat girl like me can become best friends with a handsome skinny boy like Lucas. I don't understand. I've always had my insecurities about myself. Getting up, I walked upstairs to my room, dressing into a white tank top, white jeans, all white converse, and Luke's Football jacket. I just threw my hair in a slick back ponytail, and slicked my sides down and diamond studs. I never liked to look at myself in the mirror while I get dressed, because it feels like anybody can see all this fat. Grabbing 30$ and my keys, I was out the door, on my way to the school field. Once I got there, there weren't that much people. Probaly 3 to the least. I waved at Lucas once he saw me, and he waved back, smiling. Once everyone started filling up the bleachers, the game was ready to start. When the first quarter finished,Luke ran over to me talking for like 2 minutes. Something about him was intimate this afternoon.
"Hey, can you get me a Gatorade?" He asked.
"What kind?" I asked.
"Surprise me." He said winking and running towards the field. I got up to get his drink, and came back to give it to him, when a nappy headed ass BITCHH was sitting in my spot.
"Um, excuse me, but I was sitting right here." I said, calmly. The main bitch started laughing.
"No wonder why the spot was so big!" She said aloud, trying to make everyone laugh. Which I didn't find funny at all.
"Excuse me, bitch what was that?" I asked, getting in her face. I was getting so ready to Sharkeisha punch that bitch in ha face. She had the scared look in her eyes, but I wasn't gonna fight her.
"You know what? I'm just gonna sit somewhere else." I said, squeezing the bottle tight. Luke saw how angry I was and he came talk to me after the game was over.
"Hey,y/n, whats wrong?" He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"Tracy, and her bitchy ass friends trying to clown my weight." I said, folding my arms. I saw when he looked down at the cleavage that was showing. I raised my shirt up to stop him from looking.
"Fuck Tracy, oh stank ass." He said cocking his lips to the side, with his eyebrows scrunched up. I laughed a little. I was still pissed off.
"Look,y/n, don't even worry about them. They're jealous because you're thick and beautiful." He said.
"Aww thank you, Lucas, I appreciate it." I said, blushing. All of a sudden, Lucas grabbed my head and kissed me full force. He didn't think I saw him take a pic. But I enjoyed the moment.
"Nes pas laisser n'importe qui dire toi vous ^etes news pas belle, car vous ^etea belle, D'accord?" He said speaking fluent French. Oh, how that French made me melt.
"Merci, et D'accord." I said smiling.
"Je t'aime, y/n." He said.
"Je t'aime, Lucas." I said back. I got a notification on Instagram, seeing Lucas tagged me in that pic of us kissing. I looked at him and laughed.
"Are you serious?" I asked.
"Yes, I am." He said, kissing me again. We left off the field, hand in hand, passing by Tracy and her crew, seeing them mad. I just laughed and wave.
"You mad or-" I said.
"Nah?" Lucas finished for me.
"Y/n?" He said, gaining my attention.
"Mhm?" I said.
"Don't ever let anyone call you fat and don't let your insecurities get to you." He said, lifting my chin with his finger. I looked at him and smiled. Who knew a best friend could help so much.
"Et,y/n?" He asked once again.
"Oui?" I said back. He looked back at me, pulling a necklace out his pocket. My eyes lit up when I saw it. It was truly beautiful.
"You have many insecurities, but would you do the honor if becoming my princess?" He asked.
"Yes, yes,yes, Lukey. I would love to." I said, jumping into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck, kissing all over his face. He started laughing and opened the passenger door for me to get in. After that me and him went to his house, since his parents were in Vegas. He dragged me upstairs, and took off his football uniform, being left in his boxes. You looked and bit your lip.
"Like what you see?" He asked and winked.
"Maybe." You said biting your index finger. He chuckled and hovered over you.
"Well, maybe you can have a taste of what you see." He said, taking off your clothes, putting the blanket over you two and ready for a WILD NIGHT.

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