Youre on Wattpad

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I was reading through some stories and making Lucas Coly imagines. I make imagines of my own boyfriend.
"Y/n! Y/n!" I heard someone call my name over and over..
"What, Lucas?" I was too focused on getting these imagines finished.
"What ya doing? You sure typing a lot over there."
"Wattpad." I stated simply.
"What pad?"
"Wattpad, lucas. Wattpad. Now, I gotta finish your story." I covered my mouth quickly.
"I story. Its my st-."
"Are you writing about me? Huh?" He asked reaching for my laptop.
"No. Why?"
"Yes you are, y/n. Let me see it."
"No! Leave me be!" I spanked his hand, bringing my computer closer to me. He doesn't need to know what or how I write about.
~later that night ~
Luca's POV:
Y/N'S in the shower right now. I'm about to take a look at her wattpad. I know she be writing about all this sexiness.
"Let's see." I whispered trying get her username. I went to the wattpad app and clicked on her profile, seeing her username, and putting her laptop back on the nightstand. I wonder if she writes sex scenes about me.😌
Y/n's POV:
I came out the room to see my laptop in the same exact spot, meaning he didn't touch it. But he was on his phone laughing.
"What's funny?" I asked him
"Your wattpad. Why do you write things like that about me?"
"How did you get that?" I went towards him trying to snatch his phone away.
"But they are good. I'm not gone lie, the sex scenes got me feelin horny. But I don't know about doing that to the other girls. You, yeah. But them, nah.".
"I write them to show what its like to be in my shoes. Y'know, dating you." I said honestly. He nodded going back to reading them.
"Its for girls to read though."
"So. I can be Lola for a day." And he read my stories all day.

Lucas Coly ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora