Just a regular day

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Y/n's POV:
"So, y/n, we still on for that lunch date?"
"Yeah. Sure. What time?"
"Just about 12:30, or 12:45." I nodded and applied my lip balm.
"Hey, Lucas. Can you go hurry up and get my keys upstairs in my other purse?" I asked him. He nodded and ran up fetching my keys, then coming back down.
"Thank you." I said while giving him a peck on the lips.
"You keep kissing me like that, I might just have to eat YOU for lunch." He said. I laughed and started the car.
"Bye, Lucas. I love you."
"Love you too." He said. I pulled out the driveway going to work.

|work time|
"Y/n, why are you late again?!" I'm so getting tired of this bitch of a boss.
"I just overslept." Like I really need this bitxh in my business.
"No you didn't. I think you were getting freaky with that little boy you call a boyfriend."
"Actually, no I wasn't. And if I was, it wouldn't be any of your business. Now move, Michelle."
"Its doctor Michelle to you."
"Yeah, yeah. You say potato, I say patoto." I said walking to my office. She's so aggravating.

|lunch break|
"Hey, baby. I'm like 5 minutes away. Come outside."
"OK." I made my way out of the office, passing by Mihell. You get it.
"And where are you going?"
"Out to lunch. Why?"
"Ima need you 10 minutes early to take one of my clients, because I have to see my husband."
"I feel sorry for him." I muttered and walked out the building.

"Hey, baby." Lucas said giving me a kiss. I swear these are the best
"Hey. Ok, so. I have to take Michelle's client at 12:55. Which is 30 minutes from now and I have to be back over there 10 minutes early. Stupid, right? Oh, trust me, I know." I said talking fast.
"Ok, y/n, just chill. Were gonna go for lunch, and I'll bring you back." I nodded as we made our way to Panera Bread. I'm so hungry right now.

|lunch break over|
"Alright, bye, Lucas. See you later." I said getting out his car.
"Bye, baby. Love you."
"Love you too." I said going back into the building, only to bump into this bitch.
"Aww! How sweet. But so much you were playing lovey dovey, you're ate for my client! Get to work!"
This day has gone by so horrible, but the lunch was great.

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