Battle Scars

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I have a new story out! It's called Piece By Piece! Enjoy 😊

"What are you doing?" Mike questioned, entering the bathroom to see his wife standing in only a t shirt, which was pulled up over her stomach, staring at herself in the full length mirror.

"Ah! You scared me!" Carrie jumped, letting the shirt fall down over her stomach and slightly past her butt. She avoided eye contact with her husband, trying to hide the tears in her eyes.

"What were you doing Carrie?" He asked, stepping closer to her.

"Nothing, I'm fine." Carrie said, stepping past Mike to exit the bathroom.

Mike grabbed her hand, pulling her back into the bathroom to face him.

"What's wrong?" He asked sincerely, holding both her hands and looking into her eyes.

There were wet sparkling tears in her hazel eyes and it broke Mike's heart. He could see in her face how badly she was hurting, but he had absolutely no idea why.

She let go of his hands, pulling her shirt up to reveal the small red scar right under her bikini line.

"It's so ugly." She cried, letting tears fall from her eyes.

Carrie had given birth to Isaiah two weeks ago via c-section and her scar was still new and fresh and she had a lot of baby fat to lose.

She'd always been insecure about her body, even though Mike told her how beautiful it was every chance he was given, along with the millions of people who talked about it daily.

Even though the scar couldn't be seen over pants or probably even a bathing suit, she still felt like it was hideous. She was worried Mike would think it was ugly, that he wouldn't think her body was as beautiful as he used too.

It was six inches long, the staples had been removed, and the swelling and puffiness had gone away for the most part. It looked much better than it had while she was in the hospital, but still was bright red and big.

"Carrie." Mike sighed. He didn't know how to make his emotional and hormonal wife feel better.

"I know it's ugly Mike, you don't have to say anything." Carrie whispered, tears running down her face.

"Honey no no." It broke Mike's heart to see his wife so broken and hurt, knowing no matter what he said she wouldn't believe him.

"Carrie it's not ugly, it's not ugly at all. It's beautiful. You are beautiful." Mike caressed Carrie's cheeks, looking deep into her aching eyes.

"How can you say that Mike? Look at it, it's huge and it's hideous, it's ugly Mike. And it's never gonna go away, it's always gonna look like this. It's always gonna be there, I'm branded with this awful scar." Carrie was practically sobbing at this point, she could hardly get the words out through her cries.

Mike didn't know what else to do, so he wrapped his arms around her tiny body and held her close, letting her cry into his chest as he rubbed her back and kissed her head multiple times.

"Shh, shh." He whispered in her ear, letting her ride out the post-baby mood swing before trying to say anything else.

After her cried subsided, Mike placed his hands on her shoulders, pulling her away from his body just enough to look her in the eyes.

"I promise, your body always has and always will be beautiful in my eyes. This scar is beautiful. It's a part of you, and I love every single part of you." He wiped her tear stained face.

"Promise?" She whimpered, still looking unconvinced.

"With all my heart." Mike smiled sweetly, squeezing her shoulders.

Mike lifted her shirt back up again, revealing the scar. He ran his hand over it gently, careful not to hurt the sensitive wound. He bent down and placed a gentle, slow kiss on top of the scar.

"It's your battle scar, and I love it more than anything."

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