Relax and Unwind

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"Carrie? You alright?"

Carrie was pulled out of her daze when the familiar sound of her producer called her name. She gripped the table harder to keep herself up and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Yes." She mumbled through gritted teeth. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. "I'm fine."

The aching in her feet was getting worse by the second, along with the pressure shooting through her lower back. At this point, she could hardly stand.

"We can finish this another day if you'd like." Mark Bright told her.

Carrie shook her head, stepping back to the microphone. "I'd rather finish it now then have to keep coming back."

Carrie pressed her hand into her seven month pregnant stomach, flinching as she felt her little boy kick her roughly.

"Do you need a break? Why don't you come sit for a minute." He asked through the glass.

Carrie was getting more and more irritated by the minute. All she wanted was to go home, take a nice hot bath, and go to sleep. She knew she was overworking herself, but she had been determined she could get the album done before Isaiah was born, and now they were crunched against a deadline her label had set.

It was taking them longer than usual due to how out of breath Carrie was. Recording a song usually only took a couple run-throughs, but being pregnant had caused her to lose her breath easily which made it take much longer.

"I'm fine, I just want to get it done." Carrie took a deep breath so that she wouldn't lose her cool. "Let's do it again."

Mark nodded, starting the music.

Carrie began to sing, trying to ignore the shooting pain in her body. She was determined to get the last part right this time.

Finally, the song ended and she heard Mark clapping, meaning that she'd gotten it correct.

"Good job Carrie, that was perfect. You're done." He smiled. Carrie peeled her headphones off, leaving them on the stand and exiting the recording room.

"I'm sorry it took so long, go home and get some rest. Your album is finally done." Mark patted her back when she came into the room.

"Thanks." She forced a smile to her face. "I'll see you soon."

Carrie grabbed her purse, exiting the room to head to her car. With every step she took, she felt a sharp pain shoot through her body. Her feet were swollen and aching, her back felt as though it was broken, and her head was pounding.

Practically falling into the drivers seat, Carrie felt immediate relief in her feet. She laid her head against the seat, closing her eyes as she let out a deep sigh.

She finally started the car, pulling out of the parking lot and into the dark streets of Nashville.

Glancing at the clock, she realized it was almost eight o'clock at night by the time she pulled into her neighborhood. She'd been gone since twelve, meaning she'd been at the studio almost eight hours. Mike was going to kill her.

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