And That's How We Fell In Love

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"Um Ma'am?"

Carrie stood in the isle of the drug store, hoping not to see anyone. Her blonde hair was thrown up in a messy bun on top of her head. She had her glasses on and was dressed in Nike shorts and a tank top with no makeup.

She turned to the man down near the end of the isle, mentally cursing herself that someone had recognized her.

"Can I ask you something?" He cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable at the encounter.

"Sure, what is it?" She smiled. She pushed her glasses higher up on her nose.

"My wife died a few years ago and um my daughter asked me to get her uh tampons and I don't have a clue what to get." The man scratched his head nervously and looked at the floor.

Carrie giggled. She thought it was cute how uncomfortable he was. "Sure."

She took a couple steps closer to him. "How old is she?"

"16." He said, stepping back a little.

"I'd go with this one. It should do the trick." Carrie smiled, handing him a box.

"Thank you so much, I'm sorry." He said nervously.

"It's no problem." She smiled again. She stuck her hand out to shake his. "I'm Carrie."

"Mike." He nervously smiled, shaking her hand. He subtly glanced down and noticed that she didn't have a ring on her left finger.

"Would you um, would you want to maybe go out for dinner sometime?" He scratched his head again, making Carrie chuckle.

"Sure, that sounds nice." Carrie blushed.

"Really?" Mike finally looked up and made eye contact with the woman in front of her.

"Yeah." Carrie laughed. She thought he was extremely cute. "I'd like that."

"But only if you'll help me get my son a good razor and shaving cream." She added.

"I think I can manage that." Mike smiled. His crystal blue eyes shimmered in the light.

Carrie followed him down the end of the isle and through the store.

"So how old is your son?" He asked.

"15." Carrie responded, turning down the shaving isle.

"Can I ask where your husband is?"

"He left us when Isaiah was three." Carrie said, her mood suddenly becoming solemn.

"I'm sorry." Mike said, scanning the shelves for the right razor.

"It's okay. I'm sorry about your wife." She said, looking over at him.

"Thanks." He said quietly. He picked up a razor and some shaving cream off the shelf and handed it to Carrie. "Here, this is probably the best starter razor."

"Thank you so much."

"Of course. I guess it was a good thing we ran into each other." Mike laughed, the two now walking up towards the front.

"Yes it was! We both needed it." 

"So can I get your phone number?" He asked when they reached the register.

"Oh right yes! You might need that if you want to take me to dinner." She giggled. She pulled a piece of paper out of her purse and quickly jotted down her phone number.

"I'll be waiting." She winked, placing the paper in his hand.

"I'll get right on it." He smirked. "Thanks again for helping me tonight."

"You got it." Carrie smiled, grabbing her bag and heading to the door.

"Oh and Mike?" She turned when she reached the door.


"Buy her some chocolate too." Carrie grinned, then turned around and left the store.

Carrie couldn't wipe the sappy smile off her face as she walked to the car. In just twenty minutes, he'd managed to impress her more than any other man she'd talked to in thirteen years.

Mike stood staring dumbfounded at the adorable girl that had just walked out. He'd only known her for twenty minutes, but somehow he already knew.

Mike eyed his wife across the table, smiling widely at her. She reciprocated the smile, giggling slightly. Their two teenage daughters listened intently, watching them both blush and smile goofily at each other.

"And that's how we fell in love in the tampon isle of CVS."

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