Carpet Picnic

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"This looks great I'm starving."

Carrie walked out of the bathroom where Mike was sitting with takeout sprawled out across the bed. She had pajama shorts and a tank top on, as well as her glasses. She'd just finished showering after her show earlier.

"I love that look on you." Mike grinned as Carrie threw her hair up into a bun.

"Pajamas and a messy bun? You're funny Fisher." Carrie giggled, sitting down across from him on the hotel bed.

"It's cute. You're adorable when you wear glasses."

"Yeah whatever." Carrie rolled her eyes and laughed. "Let's eat."

Carrie and Mike began to open up all the Chinese food in front of them, leaving it in boxes to pick at instead of putting it on separate plates.

"Oh man, this is so good. I haven't eaten since like four o'clock." Carrie laughed, stuffing her face with an egg roll.

"I'm sure! All that singing and dancing probably works up a big appetite." Mike said, smiling at his wife.

Carrie leaned against the headboard, smiling as she ate fried rice out of the takeout box.

"I love you." Carrie smiled goofily at her husband, chewing on her fork. "I love you so freaking much."

"I love you too?" Mike laughed, confused at how mushy his wife was being.

"This is the best birthday I've had in years. This is perfect, it's just what I want." Carrie grinned.

"Oh Please, I know it's sucky. We're sitting in a hotel having a carpet picnic and drinking wine out of a plastic cup at ten thirty at night."

"Exactly." Carrie pointed her fork at her husband and smiled.

"I got to go on stage and do what I love for a crowd of people screaming my name and then I got to come home and take all my makeup off and get into my pajamas and eat Chinese food in bed with my favorite person. Mike I couldn't have asked for a better night."

"God I love you."

Carrie grinned, picking her rice back up and taking another bite. Her laugh made Mike's heart flutter.

"This beats any fancy restaurant or extravagant party any day, I promise."

"Do you want anything else?" Mike asked, moving the food over to the night stand.

Carrie shook her head, helping him move it all over. "Just a long night of laying in my hot husband's arms and drinking red wine and hopefully ordering dessert from downstairs."

"Hm I think I can manage that." Mike smirked, crawling under the covers beside Carrie.

Carrie giggled, snuggling up against her husband. She leaned against his chest with her leg draped over his legs.

"Thank you." Carrie raised her head and kissed him softly.

"Happy Birthday princess."

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