Year Six

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"My goodness, this view is incredible!" Carrie gasped. Mike pulled out her seat and pushed her back in once she was settled.

"I know, this is the best seat on the island." Mike smiled, sitting down beside her. "The sun sets right over that rock."

"wow, I can't wait." She grinned. She looked around at the stunning view in front of them. They sat at a table outside right up against the rock wall that separated them from the raging blue ocean below. You could see the ocean stretch for miles into the horizon to one side, while the other side was filled with rocks that the waves crashed up against.

Mike and Carrie were the only two on the porch, the only sound they could hear was the crashing waves below them.

A young brunette waitress came up to their table and smiled. "Hi, my name is Emily and I'll be your server tonight, can I start you off with something to drink?"

"I'll have a margarita on the rocks please." Carrie answered with a smile. "With salt."

She nodded, then turned to Mike. "And for you sir?"

"I'll have a Corona, thanks." Mike smiled.

"I'll have those right out for you." Emily said, turning around to leave.

"This place is so beautiful, I'm so glad we picked it!" Carrie exclaimed. 

"It really is, this has been the best week." Mike replied. He reached his hand across the table to hold Carrie's. "I love you."

"I love you more." Carrie gushed. "I can't believe we've been married for six years. It's crazy how time flies."

"Agreed. But it's been the best six years of my life."

"Mine too." Carrie smiled.

Emily came out with their drinks then took their dinner orders and left.

"I miss Isaiah, I didn't think it would be this hard for both of us to leave him for a week." Carrie sighed, taking a sip of her drink.

"I know, I miss the little guy. But it's been nice to have some time to ourselves."

"Oh I know, I don't know what to do with myself without watching Elmo every morning and singing those goofy songs everywhere I go." She laughed, making Mike laugh as well.

"I feel like I haven't had you to myself in forever." He squeezed her hand and smiled.

"I know, I don't know what we did all day before Isaiah."

"Seriously me either, I can't remember what life was like before children. It must have been so dull and boring." He chuckled.

"Let's not talk about Isaiah all night, tonight is about us. Celebrating six years of happiness." Mike put his hand back on Carrie's and rubbed her engagement ring.

"You're right, you're right. I need to stop worrying about him."

Carrie and Mike sat talking for what seemed like forever. They reminisced about the past six years. They laughed about all the funny things they'd been through and the crazy things they'd done. They gushed over the beautiful sunset and over each other and how in love they were.

After hours of talking, the couple finally decided to leave and they walked back to their hotel room hand in hand.

"Thank you for this, I can never tell you how much I love you." Carrie smiled, swinging their hands back and forth.

"Oh, but I love you even more than that." He kissed her cheek as they walked.

"Not possible." She protested.

"Yes possible." He replied. He let go of Carrie's hand to get the key to their room out. He opened the door and swooped Carrie off her feet and into the bedroom, just like their wedding night.

As a surprise, Mike had their hotel room decorated just as it had been the night they got married. The bed was covered with pink rose petals in the shape of their CM logo. Pink and white candles lined the walkway to the bed and covered the floor.

"Oh my gosh-" Carrie gasped, her hand covering her mouth and she was completely speechless. "It's just like-"

"Our wedding night." Mike smiled, still holding her bridal style in his arms. "Surprise."

"I can't believe you did this." She stared in awe, her mouth agape.

Mike laid her down gently on the bed, hovering on top of her. "I thought it would be romantic to end the night reminiscing of six years ago."

"This is amazing, you are amazing." Carrie smiled widely.

"I know." He laughed, leaning down and giving her a quick kiss.

"Thank goodness this isn't our first time again, that was such a mess." Carrie laughed.

"Oh goodness, that was bad. Good thing we figured out what we were doing." Mike started laughing too. He laid beside Carrie on his stomach facing her and trailing his hand around her stomach. "As much as I loved how special our first time was, I'm glad we got past that."

"Me too, me too. It wasn't very fun it was just embarrassing and painful." Carrie put her hand over her face and shook her head thinking about that night.

"Good thing it's not anymore." Mike smirked, rolling over on top of her.

"I'm much better at this now." Mike smoothly slid her shirt over her head, unlike their wedding night where he got it caught in her hair and jewelry.

"Mm, thank goodness." Carrie smirked, sliding his shirt off as well. She pulled him down for a passionate kiss as his hands started caressing her body.

"Happy anniversary babe, I love you."

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