The Loss

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"You're home early."

"Yeah." Mike shrugged. "Nobody really stuck around. Everyone just got their stuff together and left. The locker room was pretty quiet."

Carrie approached her husband, a frown on her face.

"I'm sorry. It was a tough game. You guys gave it your all. You left your hearts on the rink. I know how badly you wanted to win." The predators had lost to the penguins, resulting in them officially losing the Stanley Cup.

"It's okay. Can't win them all right?" Mike shrugged. He faked a smile, but Carrie could see right through it.

"You played amazing. I'm so proud of you." She looped her arms around him and hugged him.

Mike held his wife tight, trying to keep himself from letting tears fall from his eyes. He kissed the top of her head multiple times, taking in the smell of her coconut shampoo. When Carrie pulled away, she rose to her tip toes to kiss him. "I love you."

Mike smiled, his hands gripping his wife's small waist. Like always, coming home to her made their losses much more bearable.

"I love you too." He kissed her again. "Thank you." 

"I know you always say, and he's sound asleep, but do you think I could-" He sputtered, looking around their living room hesitantly.

"Go ahead. You need him." Carrie placed her hand on her husband's back and pushed him towards the stairs gently.

"At you sure?"

Carrie nodded, then followed him up the stairs. Mike opened his bedroom door quietly, instantly smiling at the sight of his son.

He carefully lifted him out of his crib, taking a seat in the rocking chair. He stroked Isaiah's head, holding him tightly in his lap.

"Daddy?" Isaiah mumbled, his sleepy eyes fluttering open. He lifted his head to look at his father.

"Hey bud." Mike whispered, smiling as he pushed Isaiah's hair out of his face.

"Did you win?" Isaiah's eyes lit up, remembering the important game his dad had played.

"No, we lost." Mike sighed. "But it's okay." 

Carrie stood leaning against the doorway, watching the sweet moment in front of her. She could see the pain and defeat in her husband's eyes and it absolutely killed her. He wanted this more than anything.

"I sorry." The two year old said, looking up at his dad.

"It's okay." Mike adjusted him on his lap and leaned back, Isaiah leaning against him.

"You did good." Isaiah cooed, snuggling up against Mike.

"Thanks Izzy." Mike kissed the top of his forehead.

"I wanna be just like you."

"I love you so much Isaiah." Mike squeezed his son tight. He no longer cared that they'd lost. He had all he needed right here.

"Love you too daddy." Isaiah said, snuggling into his chest.

Isaiah quickly back fell asleep in his dad's lap, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

Mike looked up, seeing his wife standing at the door smiling. He grinned back, then looked back down at his son in his arms.

Mike sat up slowly, scooping him up into his arms and carefully laying him down in his crib. He kissed his son's forehead and walked away quietly.

"I don't know what we ever did to deserve that boy."

"I know." She smiled, uncrossing her arms as Mike reached her in the doorway. "He's a good one."

"I could sit there all night with him sleeping in my lap." Mike took Carrie's hand as they walked back into their bedroom.

"Me too." She grinned. "Are you ready for bed?"

"Let me brush my teeth and I'll be ready. I'm ready for a major snuggle session with my hot wife." Mike winked.

"I'm ready for an even bigger one with my hot hockey husband." Carrie raised her eyebrow, crawling into bed as he went into the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, Mike came back out in boxers and a tshirt. He plopped down onto the king sized bed, letting out a big sigh.

Carrie curled up against him, her leg stretched over his and her head resting on his shoulder. Mike had his arm around her and immediately began rubbing her back.

"I know I already told you, but I really am proud of you. Extremely proud. I hope you know that." Carrie smiled, her hand on his chest.

"Thank you." Mike kissed the top of her head. "That means a lot."

"I know you wanted to win, but you guys had such an amazing season. You made history. You made it to the Stanley Cup Finals Mike. That's insane. Don't let this loss define the season. You did amazing, and Izzy and I are so extremely proud of you." Carrie lifted her head off of his chest just enough to look him in the eyes.

Mike smiled, staring into her hazel blue eyes and admiring her pearly white smile.

"I love you so much." He pulled her up onto him, cupping her cheeks and kissing her. "You made me feel so much better."

"That's my job." Carrie smiled. She leaned in and kissed him again. "I love you so much."

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