Carnival Crazy

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"The carnival? It's our fifth anniversary of the day we met, and you're taking me to a carnival?" Carrie spoke in shock, staring in front of her at the people, lights, and rides.

"Come on, I promise it'll be fun!" Mike tried to convince his wife. He was afraid she'd be hesitant, but knew that once she got there she'd have fun. He was tired of their cliche date nights and thought this would be something totally different and fun.

"But there's so many people Mike, everyone's going to recognize me and stop us." She groaned, refusing to get out of the car.

"Here, put my hat on. Nobody will recognize you in a hat and sun glasses, and besides, it's almost dark out."

"Fine, this better be fun." She narrowed her eyes, giving him her famous death stare.

They got out of the car and Mike grabbed his wife's hand as they entered the carnival.

"What do you want to do first?" Mike asked his wife as they walked around, looking at all the food, games, and rides surrounding them.

"Umm, I don't care!" She laughed, swinging their hands back and forth.

"Let's just walk around a little, see if anything sticks out." Carrie added.

The couple walked around for about 20 minutes, playing a couple games and buying drinks.

"OH a Farris wheel! Can we please?" Carrie begged as soon as she spotted the huge Farris wheel towering over the rest of the carnival.

Mike chuckled, nodding his head and leading her through the various booths to get to the Farris wheel.

"2 please." Mike told the ticket man, handing him the money.

He led the couple up the three steps to the launching pad, and they waited for a seat to stop on the pad.

After taking their seats, the ticket man pulled down the bar to keep them secured in.

"Enjoy." He smiled, and with that they started moving.

"Are you having fun yet?" Mike grinned as the machine started moving up.

"Maybe." She giggled, hating to admit her husband had been right.

"I love you." He smiled, kissing the side of her head.

"Yeah yeah, I love you too." Carrie lightly smacked his chest, leaning against him to look up at the sky.

The sun had just set, you could barely see the fading shades of yellow and red going down behind the horizon.

The carnival lights lit up the sky and Carrie was fascinated by the beauty.

Carrie shivered as a gust of wind overcame them, suddenly wishing she'd brought a jacket.

Mike squeezed her tighter against him, trying to keep her warm with his arms.

"This view is so gorgeous" Carrie stated in awe when they reached the top of the Farris Wheel. They could see all of Nashville from their spot.

"Not as gorgeous as mine." Mike's eyes glistened in the dark as he smiled at his wife.

"Oh stop it now you're just being mushy." Carrie giggled, slapping his chest lightly.

Her heart fluttered at the comment. Even after five years Mike still gave her butterflies. He still managed to make her re-fall in love with him with every comment.

"Well it's true" Mike cooed, planting another kiss on her temple.

As they reached the ground, the ticket man pulled their bar up, letting them out onto the pad.

"What next?" Mike asked his wife as he threaded his fingers into hers, leading her off the launch pad and back into the rows of booths.

"OHHH can we play the water squirty game? That used to be my favorite!" Carrie squealed, pointing at the booth to their right.

Mike laughed at his wife's inner child and followed her as she dragged him to the booth.

"You are so going down Fisher." Carrie narrowed her eyes at her husband, smirking at him.

"Oh we'll see about that." Mike replied. They both loved a good competition, especially Carrie.

They sat down beside each other, gripping the handles with the buttons on it, lining it up with the target hole and waiting for the man to say go.

The bell went off, and Mike and Carrie both pressed the button as hard as they could, keeping the handles steady. The targets continued to rise up almost completely in sync, Carrie's hitting the top barely a second before Mike's.

"YES!" Carrie screamed, jumping up out of her seat.

"Told you I'd beat you." Carrie winked, continuing to rub it in her husband's face. She couldn't help it, she loved competition and loved winning even more.

"I just let you win." Mike grinned, putting his arm around his wife's small shoulders as they walked off.

"Oh BS I beat you fair and square Michael Fisher."

"Whatever, let's go home it's getting late." Mike kissed the side of her head as they walked back to the car.

"I had a lot of fun tonight, thank you." Carrie smiled as they reached the car.

Mike stood in front of her as she leaned against the car with his hands resting on her waist.

"Me too, I love you." He whispered, pulling her against him and kissing her passionately. He slid a hand up under her shirt, caressing her sides.

"Mike." She coughed, pulling away. "we're in public."

"Right, sorry." He awkwardly pulled away, stepping back.

"Let's go home."

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