Media Madness

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"Babe, I'm going to go across the street to listen to Will at the bluebird, is that okay? I'll be back in like thirty minutes." Mike told his girlfriend, laughing at how adorable she was dancing along to the song being sung.

"Okay, be safe I love you." Carrie pecked his cheek, careful not to show too much PDA in the small Nashville bar.

"I love you too." Mike winked.

She stayed and enjoyed the band with the rest of their friends and waited for Mike to come back.

When she got his text saying he was headed back to her, she headed outside to leave.

"It's getting so loud in there, my head's starting to hurt. Can we just go home?" She asked, meeting him outside the door.

"Of course." Mike smiled, putting his hand on her back as they walked back to the car.

"Was Will good?" Carrie questioned as they drove back to her house.

"Yeah! He did well, that guy's going to be a future country star."

"Dang then I guess I should hear him! Next time I'll go with you." Carrie smiled, turning up the radio.

"Do you want me to come in?" Mike asked. He put the car in park when he reached his girlfriend's driveway.

"Of course I do! As long as you want too." Carrie exclaimed, looking over at him. "Let's make brownies."

"You know I can't pass down an offer like that." Mike grinned widely, leaning forward to kiss the blonde.

They both hopped out of the car and headed into the house.

"I'm so hungry!" Carrie squealed, jumping as she tried to reach the brownie mix off the top shelf.

"Need some help love?" Mike placed his hand on the small of her back and reached up to grab the mix.

"Hmmph. I could have gotten that." She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest and pressing her lips out.

"Oh I'm sure you could have."  He chuckled, kissing her temple. "Let's get to baking."

"Ohhhh, can we add extra chocolate syrup to the mix?" Carrie squealed, slapping Mike's arm in excitement.

"Goodness what is up with you?" He laughed. "You're usually the health warrant in this relationship."

"I'm just craving chocolate I can't help it." She giggled. She grabbed the syrup out of the cabinet and poured some into the mix.

"These are gonna be delicious!"

After putting the brownies into the oven, Carrie checked her phone to see a message from her best friend. Ivey had sent a website link with "???" under it.

Hesitantly, Carrie clicked the article to see the headline "Carrie Underwood has devastating breakup with boyfriend Mike Fisher at local show."


"Mike, come look at this." She called out. Mike exited the bathroom and came over to the blonde to see.

They both read the article which discussed how they'd been at a concert in Nashville and Mike had left in the middle of it. They claimed there was a nasty fight that ended in his exit and Carrie leaving shortly after he stormed out.

"Good freaking lord, they're so desperate for stories this is crazy." Carrie rolled her eyes, unable to believe the bs they'd written about her.

"I'm sorry, there's a lot of crap that comes with dating me." Carrie sighed, setting the phone down on the counter.

"Hey hey it's okay, I don't care. They can say whatever they want to say about me, we know it's not true and that's all that matters. This is just a bunch of crap written by someone that has no life." Mike assured his fretting wife.

"I know I know. But everyone is going to think we've broken up."

"Yeah, but we didn't." Mike smirked, pulling the blonde against him and kissing her.

"I still love you very much." He whispered, kissing her forehead multiple times.

"I still love you very much too." She giggled.

"Let's make sure everyone knows nothing happened." Carrie smiled.

She grabbed her phone and the couple took a cute selfie together. She uploaded it to Instagram with the caption "apparently we broke up" under it.

"Ah this is cute." Carrie gushed.

"You're cute." Mike replied wittily.

Carrie giggled, her cheeks turning red as she blushed.

"Thanks for not breaking up with me."  Carrie smiled sarcastically. She wrapped her arms around his neck so their faces were only centimeters apart.

"I would never." Mike closed the distance and their lips collided in a passionate kiss.

I guess sometimes rumors really do bring people closer.

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