Break On Me

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"You good?" Brad asked as the duo took a water break backstage while Keith Urban sang. The CMA awards were in four hours and they were doing their final run through.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Carrie smiled, doing her best to put on a front that Brad would believe.

Brad had worked with Carrie for years. He knew she wasn't her usual self, but he'd asked multiple times over the past few days and she always said the same thing. He figured that if she wanted to tell him, she would.

Carrie bit her lip, swallowing the lump in her throat. She wanted so badly to tell Brad what was wrong, but she knew she wouldn't be able to keep it together tonight if he knew.

She looked down at her phone and saw a text from her husband.

"Hey beautiful, hope practice is going okay. Let me know when you want me to bring your dinner. I love you❤️"

Carrie couldn't help but smile. "We're almost done. Come about 4:30. Thanks babe, you're the best😊" she replied.

"Let's go." Brad smiled as Keith came to an end.

Carrie sighed and followed him out. She did her best to play the part to the best of her ability and hide the hurt inside.

"And that's a wrap! Good job everyone. It's gonna be a great night!" David shouted after Brad said his closing line.

"Kenny's making a Japanese run, do you want anything?" Brad asked as they exited the stage.

"No I'm good. Mike's bringing me dinner." She forced a smile. She quickly said goodbye to Brad and made it into her dressing room.

Mike was already waiting for her on the couch with subway on the table.

"Hey princess." He stood up and smiled, embracing her in his arms.

"Hi." She mumbled softly, hugging him tightly.

"How did it go?" He pulled away and led her over to the couch.

"Good." Carrie said softly. She looked at the floor and fiddled with her shoes.

Mike noticed her sadness as soon as she'd entered the room.

"Hey, are you okay?" He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and caressed her face.

Continuing to look at the floor, Carrie nodded softly.

"No you're not. I know you better than that." Mike said gently. He lifted her chin up with his finger so she was looking at him.

Big wet tears glistened in her eyes as she tried her best to keep them in.

"I hate this." Carrie cried out. "It's not fair, I miss being pregnant so much."

The tears suddenly exploded out of her eyes like a waterfall. This was the first time Carrie had truly broken down since the miscarriage two days ago.

Mike pulled her onto his lap and she clung to him, gripping his shirt and staining it with tears.

"It's okay, it's okay. Just let out." Mike rubbed her back and held her close as she cried harder than she had in a long time. He hadn't seen her break down like this in years and it broke his heart.

They'd been trying to get pregnant for almost a year. She'd been more excited when she found out she was pregnant than Mike had ever seen her before.

Mike was as heartbroken as anyone would be, but the news hit Carrie so much harder. She'd so quickly formed such a strong bond with the little baby inside her.

And as if the miscarriage wasn't hard enough already, it was right in the middle of the CMA's. She had to get on stage tonight and act as nothing was wrong. Luckily, she had learned to hide her emotions pretty well with being famous and would hopefully be able to put on a good show tonight.

"Why did this have to happen? It's not fair Mike, I just want a baby." She sobbed uncontrollably into his chest.

"I don't know Carrie, I wish I did." Mike sighed. "Sometimes we don't understand what God's plan is."

"How can this be God's plan Mike? I don't understand." Carrie sat up and looked Mike in the eyes as tears rolled down her face.

"I don't know why terrible things happen to us Carrie, but we have to believe something good will come out of this. God knows what he's doing, we may not understand but he has a reason. I promise." Mike wiped away the tears from his wife's face with his thumb.

"I know it's hard and I know it hurts. It hurts me too Carrie. And believe me I would take away all the hurt in a second if I could. But I can't Carrie. But I can be here for you. Together we can get through this. I'm here for you Carrie. You don't have to hold it inside, I'm right here. You can cry on my shoulder any time. Don't keep it in. That's what I'm here for."

Mike pulled her back into his arms as she continued to cry. The tears just didn't seem to stop flowing.

"I love you so much." She sobbed, gripping him tighter.

"I love you too Princess. I love you more than anything." Mike planted a long slow kiss on the top of his head and rubbed her back.

"It's going to be okay, I promise. I'm going to help you through this, I'm always here." He whispered soothingly as they rocked back and forth.

"You can always break on me Carrie."

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