Hockey Hunk

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Carrie stood against the glass of her box seats, anxiously watching the nerve wracking hockey game in front of her.

The Predators were on fire tonight, but they were playing the best team in the NHL, and the game had been extremely close all night long.

They were in the last few minutes of overtime with a score of 2-2 and everyone in the crowd was anxiously waiting to see if either team would break the tie.

The blonde watched her husband intently, trying to follow him up and down the rink as he fought to win the toughest game of their season.

Carrie held her breath as she watched her husband take a shot, seeing the puck fly right past the goalie and into the net.

Everyone went wild and Carrie screamed happily for her husband.

Mike glanced up into the box, smiling at his wife who was smiling back at him in return. Their two second eye contact was Mike's favorite part of every goal he made, her smile was worth a thousand goals.

Carrie patiently waited after the game in her seat, letting the majority of the crowd clear out to avoid fans.

Per tradition, Mike and a couple other teammates skated around the arena talking to fans.

Mike's happiness while he talked to fans made Carrie happy, she loved seeing him do what he loved.

After Mike finished talking to the last little boy, he turned around and saw his wife watching him from her seat.

He made a come here motion, a huge smile on his face.

"I'll get in trouble!" Carrie shouted, shaking her head.

"No you won't! Come on!" He shouted back. She held up a finger as to say "just a second", then grabbed her purse and disappeared from the box.

She appeared a minute later at the foot of the arena, making her way to the opening where Mike was standing.

"Hey." Mike smiled, kissing his wife softly.

"Good job tonight, I'm so proud of you!" She exclaimed, kissing him again.

"You're my good luck charm." Mike winked, leaning against the railing.

He held his hand out for Carrie to grab and smiled. "Come out here with me."

"Are you crazy?" Carrie squealed, backing away from him.

"Come on babe." Mike pleaded.

"I don't have skates!" She laughed, looking at her husband like he was crazy.

Mike smiled, pulling a bag out from behind the rail. "Yes you do." He grinned.

"You did not."

"Oh but I did." Mike smirked. He had all of this planned, he'd had her skates in his locker room for a month, waiting for the right night to bring them out and get her back on the ice.

"You know I can't skate!" Carrie protested.

"Come on, for meeeee." He pleaded, dragging out the e's. "To celebrate the win."

"Fine." She pouted, sitting down to put them on.

"Don't let go of me." Carrie squeezed her eyes shut in fear as she stepped onto the ice, gripping her husband's arm for dear life.

"I won't. You're not going to fall." He chuckled. He found her fear incredibly adorable.

"I don't know how you do this so easily." Carrie said, shuffling across the ice and continuing to hold onto her husband.

"Practice." He chuckled. "You are so adorable."

"Shut up." She pouted, knowing he was laughing at how silly she looked trying to skate.

"I love you." He smiled, stopping and turning to face his wife, holding her hips to keep her in place and kissing her softly. 

"I love you more." She smiled, trying her best to stay still and not slide. He scooped her up in his arms, taking off at full speed around the rink.

"Mike!" Carrie screamed, wrapping her arms around his body as tight as she could. She clung to him, her legs squeezing his hips so she wouldn't fall.

"Michael Fisher put me down!" She squealed again, hearing Mike laugh as he skated around with her.

"Calm down, I've got you." He laughed, coming to a sudden halt right up against the railing.

"God you scared me. Don't ever do that again!" Carrie punched her husband's arm when he sat her down.

"I would never let you fall." Mike continued to laugh.

"Come on, we'll go slow." He held his hand out, Carrie hesitantly taking it as he dragged her back on the ice.

The couple slowly skated around the rink. Well, Mike skated and Carrie shuffled beside him, Mike pulling her along.

"See isn't this fun?" Mike cooed, squeezing his wife's hand.

She laughed. "Not really, It's scary."

"Don't you trust me?" Mike pleaded sarcastically, placing his hand over his heart in disbelief.

"Wellllllllll" She squeaked. "I'm kidding, I trust you just not the skates on my feet."

"Then I guess you shouldn't use them!" Mike said, picking her up again.

Carrie screamed and laughed again as he took her all the way around the rink once and then back to the entrance.

"I hate you so much." She pouted, giving him her mad look without laughing.

"I love you too." He gushed with a cheeky smile, cupping her cheeks in his hands and kissing her with all the passion he had.

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