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"Holy smokes babe! You look amazing! Easily the hottest woman on the red carpet! Love the dress 😍"

"Good luck tonight! I know you're going to kill it! Wish I was there with you! Knock em dead😉"

"WOW! You were phenomenal! Both those performances were amazing and you looked even better! Good luck on your awards tonight, remember that whatever happens I'm so so proud of you and you'll always be a winner to me! Call me afterwards if you get a chance, if not I'll talk to you in he morning. Have fun and I love you lots❤️"

Carrie couldn't help but blush at the sweetness of her husband. She smiled as she walked through the parking lot to her car, dialing his number as she walked.

"Hey princess." She heard his smiling voice on the other line, instantly feeling better.

"Hey." She cooed, unlocking her car.

"You did absolutely amazing tonight."

"Thanks." Carrie gushed, but Mike could hear in her voice that she was upset. 

"I'm sorry you didn't win." Mike frowned. He wished he was with her to cheer her up.

"It's okay." Carrie shrugged. "Not like it was a surprise."

"I know, but you deserved it more than anyone. I know you wanted to win." Mike said, unloading the dishwasher as he spoke.

"Yeahhhh." Carrie sighed. "But it's fine. It's just an award."

"Well, that's their loss. You're still the winner in my eyes and millions of other people."

"Thank you." Carrie smiled. Hearing his voice made her feel much better already.

"Are you on your way to the after party?"

"Nah, I think I'm just going to go back to my hotel. I'm really really tired." Carrie said, pulling out of the parking lot.

"Care." Mike said, exhaling deeply.

"Mike I'm pregnant I'm exhausted." Carrie spit back quickly before he could lecture her. "It's not like I can drink and if I go I'll have to pretend too so people don't get suspicious. I'd rather just go back to the hotel and take a shower, talk to you, and go to bed."

"I just don't want you to go back to your hotel room alone and be sad." Mike sighed.

"Mike I'm fine. Like I said, it's just a stupid award. I'm just exhausted." Carrie said.

"Alright, if you say so. I don't want you being upset, especially when I'm not there to hold you."

"I'm okay, I promise." Carrie grinned. "But I do still wish you were here to cuddle with."

"Tomorrow when you get home I'm all yours to cuddle with all night long, how about that?"

"Sounds perfect." Carrie smiled widely. "I love you."

"I love you too princess."

"I'm at my hotel, can I FaceTime you back after I shower? I want to see your face."

"You can FaceTime me while you're in the shower." Mike said, a smirk creeping across his face.

"Mike!" Carrie blushed. "Quit, I'm walking through the lobby there are people around."

"I'll call you when I get out, okay ?" She added, stepping into the elevator.

"Okay." Mike sulked. "I love you."

"Love you too." Carrie hung up and entered room. She took a quick shower and took off all her makeup, throwing a tshirt on and plopping down on the bed to call her husband.

"There's your beautiful face." Mike smiled when she appeared on his screen.

"You're funny." Carrie laughed, pushing her glasses up higher on her nose.

"You looked stunning tonight, but glasses, no makeup, and a messy bun is always my favorite look."

"I don't know why, I look terrible." Carrie laughed.

"You could never look terrible if you tried."

Carrie blushed. "Well thank you, you're sweet."

"How is Isaiah? Did he go to sleep good?" Carrie added. She laid down on her stomach to get more comfortable with her phone propped against the pillows.

"Yes! We let him stay up to watch your opening number and he loved it. He kept clapping and turning to us and saying Mama! Mama!" Mike grinned, thinking about their son.

"Awe, my heart." Carrie smiled and put her hand on her chest. "That's so sweet."

"It was very cute. He wanted to stay up but I lied and told him you weren't going to be on anymore and then he went to sleep right away since it was later than usual. We took him to the park earlier so he was worn out." Mike told her.

"Awe, I can't wait to be home. I could use an Izzy squeeze." Carrie frowned.

"You know he'll be waiting at the door for you when you arrive with open arms like always." Mike grinned.

"I can't wait to see you both."

"We can't wait to see you either!" Mike said. Carrie yawned, laying her head down on the bed. "Are you tired? I don't want to keep you up."

"No, it's okay. I want to keep talking." Carrie smiled as she yawned again. Her eyelids were starting to fight to stay open.

"Okay." Mike laughed. 

"I told Miranda I was pregnant tonight." Carrie said, pushing hair out of her eyes. "She was over the moon excited for us."

"I thought we agreed we weren't telling anyone else but Mark and Ivey until later, you're the one that said that!" Mike chuckled.

"I know I know but I couldn't help it. We were sitting there beside each other talking and I just couldn't keep it in any longer." Carrie said. "No one else, I promise."

"It's okay, I don't care who you tell." Mike laughed, taking a sip of water. "I've gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be right back."

Carrie nodded, watching him disappear from the screen. She sighed, letting her eyes flutter shut as she waited on him.

"Okay I'm back." Mike said a minute later, falling back into the couch. He grabbed his phone and saw Carrie asleep on the screen in front of her.

He laughed, shaking his head.

She's so adorable, he thought.

Mike blew her a kiss before hanging up the phone.

"Goodnight princess, I love you."

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