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"Alright, blindfold on."

Carrie looked at her husband dumbfounded, staring at the piece of cloth in his outstretched hand.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Nope. Put it on. You can't see where we're landing. You can take it off when we get to our destination." Mike smiled, handing the blindfold to her.

Mike had woken her up with a surprise trip for their tenth anniversary, but wouldn't tell her where it was. He'd canceled all of her meetings, left their son with Mark and Ivey, and told her this morning to pack a bag for a tropical island.

"Can't you just tell me where we're going? I hate surprises." She pouted, refusing to put the blindfold on.

"I know, and I love them." He grinned. "Just put it on."

Carrie reluctantly placed the cloth over her eyes and tied it behind her head.

"I don't like this already." She frowned, seeing nothing but complete darkness.

"You'll be fine. I won't let anything happen to you. Just sit back and relax as we descend."

Crossing her arms, Carrie leaned back in her seat and tried to relax. It was nerve wracking to feel the plane descend and not be able to see anything.

"Are we on the ground?"

"Yes, stand up and take my hand." Carrie heard her husband's voice. She felt around until she found his strong hand. She gripped it tightly as she stood up, her other arm feeling the wall of the jet.

"6 steps down." He said, one hand holding hers and the other on her shoulder. Carrie gripped his arm, her foot blindly feeling in front of her to find the steps.

"Good. Now we're just going to walk forward for a while." Mike said, slowly walking forward.

"I don't like this Mike." Carrie fretted, clinging to his muscular arm.

"You're doing great. I promise, this is going to be worth it." He smiled.

For what felt like forever to Carrie, her husband led her all over the place until finally coming to a stop.

"Ready?" Mike took ahold of her blindfold, helping her untie it. He slid it off, revealing the place he'd taken her.

"Oh my gosh!" Carrie gasped. Her face lit up as she turned her head to her husband as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

"I thought we could recreate our honeymoon." He grinned, caressing her stomach under her shirt.

In front of them, the same over the water cabana in Tahiti that they'd stayed in on their honeymoon was waiting, their luggage already on the porch.

"I can't believe you did this." Carrie beamed. She turned around, his arms still around her waist. She looped hers around his neck and rose to her tip toes to kiss him. "I love you so much."

"Happy Anniversary." He grinned, cupping her face and kissing her again.

"Gosh, remember when we got here ten years ago?" Carrie laughed as she took her husband's hand and walked up to their porch. "How times have changed."

"We've sure been through a lot since then."

"We really have. But I wouldn't trade any of it for anything." Carrie squeezed his hand, leaning her head against his shoulder as they stood on the porch.

"Wanna swim?" Mike broke the silence after they'd stood there together for a few minutes, basking in each other and the view.

"Sure, we have to find our bathing suits." Carrie pealed off of her husband and turned to walk inside.

"We don't need them." He grabbed her arm, pulling her back towards them. "There's no one around."

"Don't make that face at me." Mike added before she could say anything. "Ten years ago maybe you had an excuse to be hesitant about it, but not anymore Missy. Come on."

Mike tossed his shirt on a chair, his shorts following quickly.

"Don't make me come take that dress off for you."

"Stop, stop, I'm taking it off." She shewed him away and slid her sundress off. She tossed everything into the chair and before she could even turn around, Mike has grabbed her by the waist and was running towards the dock.

Carrie screamed as Mike jumped off the end of the porch and they plummeted into the clear water below them.

"I hate you." She pouted, pushing her hair out of her face.

"I love you too." Mike smiled widely.

"We need rafts or something to float on, I can't tread water forever." Carrie laughed, swimming towards the ladder.

As she climbed up the ladder steps, she heard her husband whistle.

"Nice butt Underwood."

"Shut up!" Carrie turned and rolled her eyes at him.

"I'd like to tap that."

"Be good and you just might be able to later." Carrie winked, wrapping a towel around her naked body.

She came back out with a large blue raft, throwing it into the water towards her husband. She went back and grabbed two beers, tossed her towel onto the chair, and slid back into the water.

"I think you've gotten hotter with age." They both rested on opposite sides of the raft facing each other. "You look even better than you did ten years ago if that's possible."

Carrie blushed, feeling her cheeks turn red.

"Cheers." Mike raised his glass and Carrie followed suit. "To us."

"To us." Carrie repeated, a smile on her face as their glasses clinked. "Happy Anniversary."

A/N hi yes I am aware it's not their tenth anniversary and they're not on vacation but I thought it would make it cuter😂 also go check out my new story "When The Desert Floods"😊

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