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Carrie crossed her legs on the couch and sat her iPad up against the arm of the couch. Isaiah crawled up onto her lap with a toy car in hand.

Her iPad lit up with her husband's name. Carrie quickly accepted the call and smiled as the device connected her to her husband.

"Daddy!" Isaiah squealed, giggling happily.

"Hi buddy!" Mike elicited a big smile.

Isaiah let out another big giggle like always. Isaiah was always laughing which always made Carrie and Mike smile so big. He started climbing all over Carrie as they both laughed.

"You look mighty adorable with a one year old climbing on top of you." Mike cheesily grinned.

"Yeah yeah I'm sure I do" she laughed, rolling her eyes.

"Ow Isaiah, don't pull mommy's hair. Just come sit for a minute." Carrie grabbed her son and flipped him over her into his lap after he'd pulled her hair.

"I sowry mama" he pouted, wrapping his tiny arms around her neck.

"It's okay baby." Carrie smiled, kissing his cheek.

Mike couldn't help but smile as he watched the two interact. He felt like the luckiest person alive.

"It's almost bedtime cutie pie, say goodnight to daddy." Carrie cooed.

"g'night daddy! I wove you!" Isaiah shouted.

"Goodnight Isaiah, I love you more." Mike said, blowing his son a kiss.

Isaiah leaned forward and gave his dad a big sloppy kiss through the iPad, making both his parents laugh again.

"I'll be back." Carrie winked, picking Isaiah up and setting him on her hip.

"I not seepy mama!" Isaiah wined, trying to lean backwards out of his mothers grasp.

"Well too bad, it's bedtime anyways" she grinned, pulling him back up so he didn't fall out of her arms. 

After fighting off her son who protested everything she did, Carrie finally got him tucked into bed after almost thirty minutes.

"Night mommy, I wove you." Isaiah said with a smile on his face.

I love you too buddy." Carrie bent down and kissed her sons forehead, pulling the blanket up.

"Goodnight, sleep tight." Carrie said softly as she turned his light off and closed the door behind her.

Carrie plopped back down on the couch where Mike was waiting and sighed.

"Your son would NOT go to sleep oh my lord, he fought me the entire time" Carrie sighed, leaning back against the arm of the couch. "He hates bedtime."

"Oh geez I'm sorry babe." Mike chuckled. "I don't know why he hates it so much now, he used to be so good about it."

"Yeah I don't know, he just doesn't want to miss anything exciting." Carrie laughed.

"Ugh I miss you guys so much." Mike sighed. It had been over two weeks since they'd seen each other.

"We miss you too. I wish you were here, I don't wanna walk another red carpet without you tomorrow. I feel like it's been forever since you've been to an award show with me." Carrie pouted.

"I know I know. I wish I could. You know I would do anything to be there with the two of you if I could." 

For an hour, the couple laughed and talked as though they weren't on separate sides of the country. Their nightly FaceTime was easily both their favorite part of the day when they were away from each other.

"It's late there, you should go to sleep." Mike finally said, dreading the part where they had to say goodbye and hang up.

"I don't mind." Carrie smiled. She let out a big yawn and glanced at the clock that read 11:42.

"Okay well I do" Mike laughed. "You need your sleep babe."

"Alright alright, I'll go" Carrie laughed.

"I love you, sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite." Carrie smiled, grinning at her husband.

"You either, night beautiful. I love you more." Mike said one last time and hung up the call.

Carrie shut her iPad off and sighed, getting up off the couch to head to bed alone.

If only they weren't always so far away.

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