Oversized Flannels

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Rolling over, Carrie shielded her eyes from the sun that streamed through the windows. She glanced at the clock and saw that it was 9:42am.

Oh crap! She thought. How did I sleep so late?

Groaning, Carrie sat up and stepped out of bed, putting her hand on her aching back.

Only four more months, she reminded herself. You can do this.

Carrie walked into the closet and grabbed one of Mike's flannels to put on. None of her shirts fit her anymore, so she'd resorted to Mike's oversized tshirts that fit her like a dress.

She noticed a sticky note on the mirror.

"Hey princess, I got home late last night. You were already sound asleep so I didn't want to wake you. Hope you slept in, I'll be downstairs making breakfast when you wake up. Love you -M"

A grin snuck across Carrie's face and her heart fluttered. Mike had been away for a week and she was glad to have him back.

She slipped his oversized flannel on along with underwear and made her way downstairs.

"Good morning." Carrie cooed, smiling when she reached the bottom of the stairs and saw Mike standing in the kitchen cooking.

"Hey princess." Mike sat his glass down and approached his wife. He kissed her softly, letting the kiss linger for a moment.

"I'm glad you're home." Carrie smiled. "I tried to stay up but I must have fallen asleep I'm sorry."

"It was late, don't worry about it." He kissed her forehead. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Carrie spoke softly as she yawned, still half asleep. 

"I love when you wear my shirts, they look so good on you." A small smirk crossed Mike's face.

"They're the only things that fit me anymore." Carrie giggled. "And they're getting small, I'm going to have to start wearing pants with them soon."

"Nah, pants are overrated." Mike laughed.

"And I like seeing your cute little butt." Mike winked, popping her bottom lightly.

"Shut up." She slapped his chest, laughing as she walked away from him and into the kitchen. 

"What's for breakfast?" Carrie asked, sitting on a barstool across from Mike.

"Whatever you want love." He smiled.

"Chocolate chip pancakes?" Carrie raised an eyebrow and grinned.

"Coming right up."

"So what time did you end up getting home?" Carrie asked, taking the glass of water from Mike.

"Like 1 o'clock. We finally left about 10." Mike said. There had been a storm in New York and their flight had been delayed multiple times yesterday.

"Gross, I think I fell asleep at like nine." Carrie chuckled.

"I figured you would." Mike grinned. "Do you have anything to do today?"

"Nope I don't think so! Do you?"

"Nope, I thought we could maybe have a movie day. I think we're both in need of a day of nothing." Mike sat the pancakes on a plate and they both sat down at the table.

"Yes! That sounds wonderful, I have no motivation to do anything today. And I besides, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"I know, I've missed your cuddles."

Carrie blushed, smiling at her husband across from him. She still didn't know how she got so lucky.

The two prayed and then caught up as they ate a good breakfast together for the first time in what felt like forever.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Mike asked, pulling the DVD drawer open.

"OH can we have a stranger things marathon? We still have 8 episodes to watch I didn't watch any without you." Carrie exclaimed, grabbing a blanket from the closet.

"Oh yeah I forgot! We gotta finish that." Mike laughed.

"Let's go upstairs, our bed is more comfy." Carrie suggested. Mike nodded and followed his wife up the stairs.

"Quit looking at my butt" Carrie narrowed her eyes, turning around halfway up the stairs.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Mike said innocently, a smirky smile creeping across his face.

"Will you be able to control yourself if I stay in this or do I need to go put pants on?" Carrie laughed as they entered her bedroom.

"Hush, get over here." He grabbed her arm and gently pulled her down onto the bed with him.

"I've missed you." Mike cooed, looking down at Carrie who was now snuggled up against his body. Even with a six month pregnant stomach, her body still molded into his perfectly.

"I've missed you more. I've missed this." Carrie smiled.

"Me too." Mike kissed the top of her head and pressed play.

For the rest of the day, the couple didn't move. They stayed cuddled up together under the blankets, watched movies, laughed, talked, and made use of their day of nothing together.

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