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"Mike, Mike."

Carrie hit her husband's arm roughly, her voice shaky as she continued to say his name.

"Hmm? What?" His eyes fluttered open then back shut, unable to wake up.

"My water." Carrie breathed heavily. "It broke."

"What?" Mike jumped up in bed, his eyes opening wide at the words he'd heard.

"We have to go to the hospital." Carrie said, tears in her eyes.

"Are you sure? You aren't due for another month and we were just at the doctor. Maybe it's a false alarm." Mike rubbed his eyes. He glanced at the clock, which read 3:26am.

"Unless you have another answer for the stabbing pain in my stomach and the pile of fluid covering the sheets." Carrie snapped.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry." Mike apologized. "It's okay don't worry. Let's go to the hospital."

"We aren't prepared for this Mike! We don't have a bag packed, the nursery isn't finished, we don't even have a name. We can't do this now." Carrie began to cry, her breathing getting heavier as she started freaking out.

"Hey, it's okay. It's okay." Mike grabbed her hand. He knew that she was starting to panic, which was the last thing she needed. "Don't get yourself worked up. It'll all be okay."

"But, but-"

"Take a deep breath Carrie." Mike wiped the tear off her cheek. "It's gonna be okay."

"Nothing is ready." Carrie frowned. She wasn't due for almost a whole month. "It's too early."

"It'll be okay. I promise. We'll figure it out." Mike assured her, squeezing her hand. Carrie nodded, looking down at the ground. "Getting worked up is only going to make things worse. This baby is coming whether we want him to or not. We can do this."

"I'm scared." Carrie's upper lip quivered as she tried to keep herself together. All she wanted to do was cry.

"I know." Mike said softly. "Me too."

"But we can do this." He looked deep into her hurting eyes, feeling her pain and fear. "You can do this Carrie. I know you can."

Carrie swallowed hard, another tear slipping down her face. Mike cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead slowly, letting his lips linger against her skin.

"Just stay here for a minute. I'll throw some emergency things in a bag. Someone can bring us what we need later. Just sit here and try to breathe. It's going to be okay."

"I need to change." Carrie muttered, wincing as she stood up from the edge of the bed.

"I'll help." Mike held his hand out to help her walk.

"I'm okay." Carrie said, breathing heavily. "Just go pack a bag so we can get there."

Carrie walked slowly into the bathroom while Mike rushed around to pack some clothes. Carrie's body ached with every move she made. She could feel it beginning to prepare for birth.

"Ah, shit." Carrie curled over, gripping onto the bathroom counter. She was trying to change out of her sticky wet clothes even though she could hardly stand.

Mike appeared behind her, rubbing her back softly. He talked her through her breathing as they waited for it to finish.

"It's so bad." She mumbled, her body tensing up as the contraction coursed through her body. She breathed heavily, unable to stand up straight.

"I'm okay." Carrie finally said, exhaling slowly. She stood up, wincing at the pulling pain in her back. "I'm okay."

"Let me help you." Mike said, grabbing the sweatpants off the counter. Carrie held onto his shoulders and stepped into each leg slowly with his help.

"Are you ready to go?"

"No." Carrie gulped. They both looked each other in the eye for a moment, fear and nervousness in both of them.

Mike kissed her forehead softly and smiled.

"I'm right here beside you. It's going to be okay." He held his arm out, and Carrie gripped it tightly as they walked out of their bedroom. He helped her down the stairs, through the house, and into the car.

Once she was situated in the front seat, he went back to lock the door behind him. He swallowed hard as he closed the door. This was the last time they'd ever be in this house again without a child.

Their lives were about to permanently change forever, and nothing could prepare them for that.

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