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Crossing her arms, Carrie stepped out of the car and walked slowly through the garage.

Mike followed her inside, closing the door behind them. Isaiah was sitting at the kitchen counter eating breakfast while Ivey was washing dishes.

"Hi sweet pea." Carrie forced a smile to her face, approaching her three year old son.

"Hi Mommy." Isaiah said, mouth full of food. "Ivey made me chocolate chip pancakes!"

"Wow, sounds delicious!" Carrie ruffled his dark blonde hair. She half smiled at Ivey, who gave her a sympathetic smile back.

"I'm finished! Mama can we play cars?" Isaiah pushed his now empty plate away from him and turned to his mom.

"Mama doesn't feel too good today. How about we watch a movie? We can watch whatever you want."

"Okay! I'll go pick something!" He jumped off his chair and ran into the living room.

Carrie sat down at the barstool, exhaling deeply as she ran her hand through her hair.

Mike and Ivey exchanged glances, both upset and unsure what to say. Mike placed his hand on her back and rubbed it lightly.

"Mommy can we watch Cars 2?" Isaiah came back into the kitchen with the DVD in his hand.

"Sure buddy." Carrie sat up and smiled again, not letting him see her hurt. "Say goodbye to Aunt Ivey and then you can go set it up in my bedroom. I'll be there in a minute."

Isaiah gave Ivey a big hug and then took off upstairs.

"Thank you for staying with him." Carrie said, smiling softly.

"Of course." Ivey came around from the kitchen to where Carrie and Mike were standing. "How are you feeling? Are you okay?"

Carrie shrugged. "Not really. But I'll make it."

"I love you. It'll be okay." Ivey hugged her best friend tightly. "We'll get you through this."

"Thank you." Carrie grinned. "I love you too."

"Go get some rest. I'll talk to you later." Ivey patted her arm and smiled. "Hug Isaiah a little extra today."

Carrie nodded, smiling with tears welling up in her eyes. Ivey grabbed her purse and left, waving before she shut the front door behind her.

Mike put his arm on Carrie's back, pulling her towards him as he embraced her in his arms. He rested his chin on top of her head, letting out a large sigh.

"Can I get you anything?" After a couple minutes, Mike let go of his wife and stood in front of her. He wiped the single tear that had escaped her eye from her cheek with his thumb.

Carrie shook her head. "I'm just going to lay down with Isaiah for a while. My stomach just hurts some."

"Okay. Yell if you need anything." Mike kisses her forehead softly before she turned around. "I'll be up in a bit."

Carrie walked upstairs slowly, her body aching worse with each step. She went into her bedroom where Isaiah was waiting for her with the movie ready.

"Ready Mommy?" Isaiah scooted over to the middle of the large bed to make room for her beside him.

Carrie nodded, carefully sitting down on the bed. She laid down beside him, pulling him close to her.

"Ohh." Carrie sighed loudly, wrapping her arm around him. "I need some Izzy snuggles today."

Carrie kissed her son's forehead and got comfortable against the pillows. Her hand rested on her stomach, feeling the emptiness inside.

Within minutes, Carrie was sound asleep. She hadn't had any sleep all night. They'd spent the early hours of the morning at the hospital. She'd suffered a miscarriage to a baby they hadn't known existed. She has only been four weeks pregnant and hadn't even realized it yet.

After cleaning up the kitchen, Mike wandered upstairs into the bedroom to see how Carrie and Isaiah were doing.

He entered the bedroom to see them both sound asleep snuggled up together on the bed.

Mike couldn't help but smile at the image. He snapped a quick picture to send everyone to let them know they were doing okay.

He walked over to the bed and kissed his wife's forehead and then his son's.

"Sleep tight my loves." Mike pulled the blanket at the bottom of their bed up over them and grinned, leaving them in peace to go back downstairs.

This was exactly what Carrie needed. 

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