It's Worth It

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"Care" Mike said, trying to get his wife's attention. She was completely zoned out . "Carrie!"

"Hmm? Sorry, what did you say?" She turned to look at the waitress standing in front of their table.

"What kind of wine do you want?" Mike repeated.

"Oh um, I don't want any." Carrie muttered, looking down at her plate.

"Okay, I'll be back with your beer shortly sir." The waitress said, smiling at them and then leaving.

"What's up with you? You always want wine." Mike asked, highly confused by his wife's odd actions.

"I'm just not in the mood, my stomach was kind of upset earlier so I don't think I want any." Carrie quickly shot out, trying not to look her husband in the eye.

"Are you sure? You're acting mighty strange lately."

"I'm fine." Carrie tried to smile without making it look fake. "Promise."

"We didn't have to go out if you don't feel good." Mike said, taking a sip of water.

"Mike really, I'm fine. It's probably just my period about to start or something. I promise I'm good." Carrie assured him, giving him another smile.

"Okay." Mike grinned, reaching across the table to take her hand.

"So how was your writing session today?"

"It was good!" Carrie exclaimed, grabbing a piece of bread from the basket in front of them. "I think we got some really good stuff. I'm excited."

"Ahh, I'm so glad! What's it about?" Mike asked, glad that his wife finally seemed to be back to herself.

"You." She gushed, running her foot up and down Mike's leg and smirking.

"Oh, really now?" Mike cocked his eyebrow.

"Mhmm." Carrie grinned.

"Can you give me any details?"

"Nope, it's a surprise. You'll have to wait and see." Carrie smiled, taking pleasure in knowing how much it would drive Mike nuts not to know.

Mike narrowed his eyes at her, giving her a pouty face. "Hate you."

"Love you." She cooed, flashing a big smile. "You'll like it, I promise."

"Well, then I guess I'm excited to hear it. I know it'll be great."

All of the sudden Carrie bolted from the table and rushed to the bathroom without saying a word.

Mike jumped up after her, reaching the bathroom just in time to see her hurled over the toilet.

Mike pulled her hair out of her face, holding it behind her and rubbing her back as she continued to throw up.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled, taking the toilet paper Mike handed her to wipe her mouth.

"It's okay, let's get you home." Mike helped her stand up, holding onto her arm as she walked out of the stall. She had turned extremely pale and white.

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