First Night

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"Yes." Carrie grinned, sliding her glasses on. "Let me just clean this up."

"Don't worry about it. We can do it later." Mike took her hand, pulling her away from the bathroom sink. The bobby pins, clips, and makeup wipes were scattered all over the counter top with reminisce of the day.

Carrie smiled, following him out of the bathroom. The large white dress was hanging on the closet door. Carrie had changed into silk pajama shorts and a tank top, Mike in athletic shorts and a T-shirt.

"Where are we going?" Carrie followed Mike down the stairs of their cabin, holding his hand tightly.

"Just outside."

Mike led her through the kitchen and out into the backyard. Music was playing quietly through the speakers. A blanket was spread across the grass with a picnic basket and a bottle of wine sitting on top.

"I thought we could just relax and look at the stars for a while." Mike squeezed her hand and grinned softly at her.

Carrie couldn't contain her smile. Her stomach turned with happiness.

"Thank you." Carrie felt tears fill her eyes.

Mike kissed her cheek and smiled. He knew he'd made the right choice by doing this. Due to a past relationship of abuse and sexual assault, Mike knew that she was scared and unsure about having sex yet and wanted to make sure she felt relaxed and comfortable. He wanted to take the pressure off and assure her that she didn't have to if she wasn't ready.

"Come on." Mike gripped her hand, his thumb rubbing the top of her hand as he helped her down to the blanket.

Carrie watched Mike fill two glasses with wine and hand her one.

"Cold?" Mike noticed her shiver and pulled a soft blanket from inside the basket.

Carrie nodded, taking it and wrapping it around her shoulders.

"It's beautiful out here."

"I know, it's so nice not to have all the city lights everywhere. You can see for miles out here." Mike smiled. "Are you hungry?"

"Not yet." Carrie shook her head. "I just want to lay with you."

Mike put the picnic basket over to the side and scooted over towards her.

"I love you." Carrie rested her head on Mike's shoulder. "Today was perfect."

"I'm glad." Mike kissed the top of her head and pulled her closer. "I love you more."

"You looked absolutely gorgeous, I hope you know that. You were stunning." Mike added, rubbing her arm lightly.

"Thank you." Carrie blushed. She looked up into his eyes and smiled. "Thank you for everything. This means a lot."

"Of course." Mike grinned.

"I'm sorry I'm not ready. I want to be, I just" Carrie trailed off, picking at the string on her shorts.

"Don't. It's okay. I don't want you to feel pressured, that's why we're here. I don't care about sex, all that matters is that I get to finally call you my wife and wake up to you every morning for the rest of my life."

Carrie smiled, sitting up to look into his crystal blue eyes.

"I love you so much." Carrie placed her hand on his cheek and kissing him softly yet passionately.

"I love you too."

Mike laid down against the soft picnic blanket, Carrie curling up against him. Her body fit against his perfectly as if they were molding into one.

Mike let his fingers run through her hair as Carrie lightly rubbed her legs against his. She glanced up at the man beside her and couldn't help but smile.

She knew she'd finally found the perfect man. She knew that they'd be together forever, that they'd live happily ever after.

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