Christmas Magic

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Cracking the door open slowly, Carrie entered her son's dark nursery to see him sitting in his crib playing with his teddy bear.

"Good morning baby, Merry Christmas." She cooed, approaching the crib.

"Mama!" The one and a half year old cheered, reaching his arms up to his mom. Carrie swiftly lifted him out of the crib and threw him into the air, eliciting a laugh from the young boy.

"Did you sleep good buddy?" Carrie kissed his forehead as she carried him across the room. Isaiah nodded his head happily.

"Good. Come on, let's go wake up daddy." She said quietly.

"When you walk in, say Merry Christmas." Carrie told her son, entering their bedroom where Mike was now pretending to still be asleep.

"Christmas Daddy!" Isaiah shouted, jumping on top of his father. Carrie laughed at how adorable he was trying to pronounce Christmas.

"Merry Christmas buddy!" Mike sat up, wrapping his son up in his arms.

Mike scooted over into the middle of the bed, pulling Carrie into bed with him.

"Merry Christmas princess." He smiled, kissing her forehead softly. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her into the group hug.

"Time for pwesents!" Isaiah cheered, pulling away from his parents.

"We gotta see what Santa brought us!" Mike cooed. This was the first year that Isaiah some what understood Christmas, so the couple was having way to much fun with the idea of Santa.

"Go!!" Isaiah threw his hands up in the air, ready for someone to help him off the high bed. As soon as his feet hit the floor, he started running away.

"wait for us little man!" Carrie laughed, swooping Isaiah up into his arms before he could run off.

She carries him down the stairs, setting him down onto the ground when they reached the living room.

Mike followed close behind, wrapping his arms around Carrie's waist from behind while they stood watching him look in awe at the living room.

Sitting in front of the tree was a small toddler bike and a sign that said look outside on it. All three stockings hung on the mantel and overflowed with goodies. 

Isaiah immediately ran to the bike and started jumping up and down.

Mike smirked at Carrie, popping her bottom as he pulled away from her to approach Isaiah. "Buddy, look. This says look outside. Santa must have left you something in the backyard."

Isaiah took off running again to the backyard, stopping in his tracks on the porch when he saw the playground.

"Play!!" Isaiah shouted, starting to take off towards it.

"Wait, not now bud. Let's open everything inside first. We can come play later when it's a little warmer and you have shoes on. There's a bunch of presents inside too." Mike swooped him up just before he made it down the steps and into the yard.

Mike and Carrie still couldn't believe they'd actually pulled off getting the full playground for him without him knowing. It took a lot of work and organizing and keeping it in the neighbors hard until late Christmas Eve night.

For the next hour, the family of three opened all the presents under the tree. It was weird not to be at either family's house,  but Mike had a game the next day and they couldn't.

"Who wants breakfast?" Mike asked once they'd finished opening everything.

"Hold on, I have one more present." Carrie let a tiny smile cross his face. She stood up, leaving the living room to go get the envelope she'd been hiding in her closet.

"What is this? You've given me more than enough already!" Mike cocked his eyebrow, confused as to why his wife was giving him a small envelope after all she'd given him.

"Just open it." Carrie sat down beside him and smiled again.

Isaiah sat playing with one of his toys, paying absolutely no attention to them as Mike opened it.

Mike opened the envelope and Carrie couldn't keep her smile contained as she watched him look at the contents inside.

His mouth dropped, his eyes widening as he realized what it was.

"Is this-?" Mike was completely speechless, he hadn't expected this at all.

Carrie nodded, her smile expanding from ear to ear.

"We're having another baby."  She cooed.

Mike couldn't get any words out, instead, he pulled her in for a hug and squeezed her as tight as he could.

"I can't believe this." Mike whispered, tears brimming in his eyes as well as Carrie's.

Mike cupped Carrie's face with his hands and kissed her multiple times.

"I love you." Carrie cooed. She kissed him again, the smile stills stretched across her face. "Merry Christmas."

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