Cookie Time

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"Can we make cookies?"

"Cookies?" Mike laughed. "It's ten o'clock at night."

"So? It'll be fun!" Carrie jumped off the couch and grabbed his hand, pulling him up with her. "Come on!"

"You're crazy!"

Mike followed her into the kitchen, laughing behind her. He watched Carrie begin to pull all of the ingredients out of the cabinets, spreading them across the counter.

Jumping, she reached for the chocolate chips on the top shelf, barely scraping the shelf and missing it each time.

"Need some help?"

Mike narrowed her eyes at him. "No thank you, I'm just fine."

She crawled up onto the counter to grab it and hopped back down.

"Easy peasy." She grinned. She grabbed a bowl from a drawer and handed it to Mike. "Grab the eggs please?"

Carrie plugged her phone into the speaker and began to blast music as she stirred all the ingredients together.

"You're so adorable." Mike stood beside the fridge, admiring the woman in front of him. Her polka dotted pajama pants scuffed the floor, the toes of her pink fuzzy socks sticking out the end. Her long wet hair dripped down her back. Her glasses sat slightly above the middle of her nose as she pushed them up higher with her finger. Her light blue tank top clung against her skin, outlining the small bump.

She dipped her finger into the bowl, lickings the dough off.

"Mmm, delicious." She smiled, sucking on her finger.

"You got a little somethin." Mike giggled, pointing to her lips. A piece of cookie dough was right above her top lip to the right. She wiped her mouth with her hand.

"You missed it." Mike laughed. "Allow me."

Mike stepped towards her, wiping it off slowly. He kissed her softly in the place where it had been. "Mm, you're right. Tastes great."

Carrie dipped her finger back into the dough and covered Mike's nose in it, smiling goofily. His face was only centimeters away from hers.

"Oh, so that's how you're going to play?" Mike grabbed a handful and threw it at her, half of it landing on her face the other on her neck.

"Michael!" She squealed, covering her face with her hands. She quickly grabbed a giant scoop of cookie dough and chucked some at him.

Instead of throwing another chunk at her, he grabbed the entire bowl and began chucking pieces at her.

"Ah! Mike!" She screamed, ducking for cover. She covered her face with her hands and squatted in the corner.

"Truss! Please!" Carrie was laughing hysterically, miserably failing at trying to throw cookie dough at her husband from the ground. "Pregnant woman down!"

"I hate you!" She kicked his legs like a toddler on the ground.

"You asked for it." He shrugged, grinning widely at her.

"Help me up!" She pouted, waving her hand in the air.

Mike gripped her hand and lifted her off the ground as he laughed.

"You're terrible." She pouted, trying to scrape dough off herself.

Mike shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

"Now I have to go take another shower!" She picked dough out of her hair, throwing it all back into the bowl.

"Oh, sounds perfect." He raised his eyebrows and gave her the look.

"Ha, funny. You sir, have to clean this up and make me a new batch of cookies. I'll be back." Carrie patted his chest as she walked past him.

Mike frowned, watching her jog up the stairs and leave him. He sighed and began to clean the kitchen up.

Thirty minutes later, a fresh batch of cookies was in the oven and all the cookie dough had been cleaned up. Carrie came trotting down the stairs, ringing out her hair as she walked with a fresh set of pajamas on.

"Mmm, it smells amazing." She smiled, stepping into the kitchen. "Thank you."

She wrapped her arms around his waist and smiled, looking up at him.

He kissed her softly. "Anything for you princess." 

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