"And The Nominees Are..."

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"I'm so nervous I can't watch." Carrie squinted her eyes behind her hand so she could barely peek at the tv. Her and her band all sat around the large tv waiting for GMA to announce the CMA nominations.

"Relax Carrie, don't forget to breathe." Mark chuckled, rubbing her back.

"I just, I want to at least get nominated. This album hasn't won anything yet. Is it not good?" Carrie looked up at Mark seriously, looking like she was about to cry.

"Carrie it is amazing. I promise. You know how this stuff works, it's all biased and a big load of crap. Millions of people love you no matter how many awards you win." Mark assured her. "Now shh, they're starting."

Carrie's whole body shook with nerves as they started announcing.

"We're going to kick the morning off with our biggest category, entertainer of the year! The nominees are..."

Carrie squeezed Mark's hand in nervousness, closing her eyes. She felt herself stop breathing.

"Garth Brooks, Luke Bryan, Chris Stapleton, Keith Urban, and Carrie Underwood!"

"OH MY GOSH." Carrie screamed, jumping out of her seat. "THEY SAID MY NAME."

Her entire crew elicited cheers and screams as they all rose up to their feet in celebration.

Carrie started hyperventilating she was so excited. She couldn't even form sentences.

"Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. I'm nominated for the biggest award of the night! Eleven years and they finally nominated me, oh my gosh I don't even know what to say!" Carrie had eyes full of happy tears.

"Congratulations Carrie, you deserve it more than anyone." Mark smiled and gave Carrie a big hug.

"wait wait you guys, you're too loud I can't hear. There's still tons of categories left!" Sydni shouted over everyone's clamor.

"I don't even care about the rest I, wow. I am speechless. I have to go call Mike!" Carrie squealed. "tell me if anything else happens."

Carrie grabbed her phone and took off to her bedroom at the back of the bus.

She plopped down on her bed and dialed Mike to FaceTime him.

"Good morning beautiful" Mike smiled, answering the phone to see his wife's beautiful face.

"Guess what?!" Carrie shouted, trying to contain her excitement.

"Hmm, let me guess, YOU GOT NOMINATED FOR ENTERTAINER OF THE YEAR." Mike shouted.

"YES!" She screamed, throwing her hands up in the air.

"AHH! Congrats babe! I'm so proud of you!" Mike squealed, a smile beaming across his face.

"Thank you! I cannot believe this Mike! I've been waiting years, so many years for this and they finally nominated me. I cannot believe this." Carrie rambled on, completely in shock.

"Guess what C?" Mark popped his head into her bedroom with a smile on his face.

"Did I get another nomination?" Carrie asked excitedly.

"Try three!" Mark shouted. "Female vocalist, album, and musical event for the fighter!"

Carrie gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.

"Holy crap! You're kidding right?" Carrie was in complete shock, she couldn't even process it all.

"Dead serious! You're killing it today!"

"I cannot believe this. How did this even happen? They never nominate me for anything!" Carrie couldn't stop rambling and freaking out. "I don't deserve all this!"

"Don't say that, You deserve this more than anyone Care! You work your butt off year after year, it's time you finally got recognized for it. I'm so so proud of you babe." Mike was beaming through the screen and wished more than anything that he could be with her to celebrate right now.

"This is insane. I can't even process it all." Carrie ran her hands through her hair and sighed, taking a breath for the first time. "I can't even think straight how am I supposed to rehearse all day and put on a show tonight?"

"Relax Carrie, take some deep breaths." Mike laughed at his wife as she stressed. She was still on one of her major adrenaline highs.

Carrie took a deep breath in and then let it out slowly. "You're right you're right. It's just nominations, I didn't even win anything yet. I need to calm down."

"You're so adorable." Mike laughed.

"Hush." Carrie pouted. "Okay, I have to go. We have to get to rehearsals and sound check. I'll try and call you before the show tonight!"

"Okay, if I don't talk to you. Good luck! And of course, congratulations times 100 on the nominations. I'm so so proud of you babe. I love you." Mike smiled.

"I love you more, talk to you soon." Carrie blew him a kiss and hung up.

For the rest of the day, Carrie had a little extra pep in her step.

She was nominated for Entertainer of the Year, she'd officially made it.

Major congrats to Carrie for getting nominated for four categories including entertainer of the year! So proud of our girl!

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