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Yep I'm Adelaide. Levi. Adelaide Levi. Well I use to live with my grandparents because they're literally the only family I have, they kinda died. So now I'm forced to move in with my "father" not really a father just a person who donated a sperm so I'd be here.

Here I am walking down the sidewalk in Tulsa.

"Yo how you doing baby?" Some disgusting male yells at me.

I obviously ignore them and keep walking, keeping my hands in my leather jacket pockets. I'm gripping my switchblade because you honestly never know.

"Aye bïtch I was talking to you!" A guy surprisingly dressed in nicer clothes starts walking towards me with his friend in tow.

The guys grabs my left forearm. Big mistake buddy.

"Let me go." I say my teeth clenched.

"How about no, what are you gonna do?" The guy asked.

"This," I say pulling out my switchblade.

Somehow he manages to hit it sending it skidding across the street. Shit, that was my grandpas. This guy, who the hell does he think he is.
I kick him in the crotch (because duh) and punch him square in the jaw. I barely notice the footsteps running from across the street.

The guys friend obviously stoned or something looks dazed them walks towards me but before he can get to be some guy already pushed him down. Then the guy I punched gets up and charges for me but the stranger already knocked him out.

I look at the guy and see his leather jacket, brown eyes, and brown hair.

"I would've came sooner but I was surprised when you punched him," the stranger said.

"I believe this is yours," I turn around to find the source of the voice. A guy greased hair , wearing a Mickey Mouse muscle tee.

"Uh thanks," I mutter taking my switchblade back.

"You got a good punch in," the stranger with a leather jacket said pointing at the knocked out guy.

I grin sheepishly.

"I'm Dallas Winston, or Dally for short. That's Two-Bit," Dally said gesturing toward the guy who gave me my switchblade back.


"You don't talk much do you," TwoBit said.

I just shrugged.

"Here we'll walk you home so you don't get jumped again Doll," Dallas grinned.

"Okay," I say and lead the way.

"You should watch out for socs," Two-Bit said.

"Socs?" I questioned.

"Yea Socials. Rich kids who think they're tuff."

"Don't wanna get jumped again, especially with a pretty face like yours," Dally said.

I just nod and keep walking.

"Here we are," I say stopping at the front of 'my' house.

"Not that far from the Curtis's aye," TwoBit said nudging Dally.

"Well thanks but I have to go," I said.

"Kay doll face see you around."

I roll my eyes and enter the house.

"WHERE WERE YOU, YOU LIFELESS WHORE?!" Dick yells at me when I started walking up the stairs.
Fitting name right? It's actually Richard, but Dick fits better. He's been like that ever since Barbra my mother cheated on him with her student.  Yea student, disgusting. Who'd wanna get with that old hag anyway.

"Walking, then I got jumped," I said.

"Good maybe next time they'll kill you," he said.

Wow I am so loved. I walk up to my shitty room and sit on my mattress that's on the floor cause dick don't think I deserve a bed.

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now