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*3 months later*

"Really Dal?" I ask.

"Really." Dal almost never asked me on dates, they were really special when they happened. I was usually the one to drag Dal to go on a date with me.

"What do I wear?"

"A dress, but not too revealing your mine," he says. I kiss him on the lips and go upstairs.

I only have one dress, it wasn't too bad, my grandma made it for me. I open my drawer and grab my dress. It was a tight red and white polka dot dress with thin straps. I know I'm gonna wear that with the only pair of heels I own. They're just black heeled boots. I set it out and go downstairs.

"Ready Doll?"

"Ready." I peck him on the lips and we walk to the Curtis's.

"Addie, save me!" TwoBit yells from underneath Steve.

I playfully roll my eyes and grab Steve. He resists at first but I pull him off. That's when he attacked me instead. He started tickling me and I screamed and kicked. "TwoBit!" I yell with the little amount of air I could.

Instead of helping me he started tickling me. "Traitor!" I yell.

Now Dallas is on top of me tickling me to death. "I will pee on all of you!" I threaten.

They immediately release me and I run the bathroom. I come back and lay with my head in Dal's lap and my legs across Soda and TwoBit. Dallas is mindlessly messing with my hair.

"So where's Pony and Carrie?" I ask.

"On a date," Soda says.

"Awww! They're so cute!" I accidentally squeal.

Soda chuckles and TwoBit gets up.

"Where you going Keith?" I ask.

Two glares at me and answers, "I got myself a girl. Actually I've had her for a while, her names Kathy,"

"When do I meet her?"

"Probably never," he teases.

"What why!?"

"Well for starters you just called me Keith,"

I give him a cheeky smile. "I won't do it again,"

He rolls his eyes and leaves laughing.

"Well Ads," Soda says patting my leg, "Steve and I gotta head to work."

"Awe bye best friend," I smile.

They all leave leaving me with just Dal and Johnny.

"Okay boys, let's have some fun," I say getting up.

We don't do much, we slash some socs tires then head to an ice cream shop. The bell rings as we enter. Eyes are all on us. A couple of greased up kids and some messed up broad.

"Hey friends," I wave and head to the ice cream counter.

Dallas chuckles and follows me.

We're all laughing eating out ice cream, Johnny just mortified himself in front of a girl. Poor Johnny cakes.

We drop of Johnny and I head to Bucks to get ready. I pull on my dress and curl my hair. I put on a bit of makeup and grab my nice pair of chucks.

Hopping down the stairs I bumped right into some really handsome guy.

"Hey babe, you clean up well," I say kissing him on the cheek.

"Damn," Dal says looking me up and down, "that's my girlfriend,"

I smile and kiss him on the lips this time. Grabbing my hand Dal leads me to a truck. "Darry let me borrow it," Dal explains.

We hop in the truck and Dal drives. "Here we are Addie,"

It wasn't anything special, but to me it was breath taking. A restaurant, not like Dingo, a nice one. Flowers and beautiful decor.

We walk hand in hand inside the place. We get seated and a nice table far from people. "Damn Dal, how'd you get this?"

"Some guy owed me something," he smirks.

I smile to myself. "Why you so smiley babe?"

"I don't know, maybe because I have the best boyfriend ever, or maybe because I'm hungry and we're at a restaurant,"

"Definitely the first one,"

We order our food and talk.
"I want a dog,"

"What?!" Dal looks surprised.

"I don't know, I've always wanted a dog. Not like one of those little dogs you carry around. A tuff dog, ya know?"

Our food comes and we eat. When we're done we leave the restaurant.

"Winston's losing his reputation," I look over my shoulder and see some random guy.

"Waddya mean man?" Dal questions looking mad.

"Going soft. Staying with one girl. Losing your player reputation Dal,"

He glares at him when the guy calls him Dal. "This 'girl' is better than any girl in Tulsa. Better than any girl in America. I don't need others when I have her," his hands are forming fists.

I grab his hand to calm him.

"Why you even speaking?" I ask the guy, "We didn't ask you a question or for your opinion," I roll my eyes.

"Fiesty aye,"

That right there made Dal furious. He started to charge at the guy. Before he could I grab him by the collar and started kissing him.

"He's not worthy enough to take your time," I say dragging him to the truck.

Dal gives me one long kiss before starting the truck. Instead of driving home he drives to a lake.

"Dallas Winston," I say when I see the beautiful view.

We watch the sunset.

Then he drives us home and other things happen.

A/N hehehehehe


I HAVEnt been in the groove of wanting to write so it might be a while.



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