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*3 days later*

I wrap my leather jacket around me as tight as I can, the cold air seeping through my jacket, I want to go to sleep but I need to go to the store.

I push open the door and walk inside feeling the air rush past me. I step foot into the baby aisle. Shuffling my feet I grab the things I need and checkout. Upon checking out I look to my right and see a tall muscled man. He turns around and I recognize Darry. I quickly hide my face in shame and I make my way outside.

The wind picking up papers fly out of my bag. I turn around to pick them up to see them being handed to me by Dallas Winston. Our eyes meet. My sad sorrow full green eyes meet his dead emotionless brown ones. For a moment I thought a warm fuzzy feeling spread throughout me. I take the papers from him and walk away.

I can faintly hear Dallas say my name. I walk faster picking up the pace.

"Please," his voice breaks as does my heart.

I keep walking. All the way to my house and lock the door.

*18 weeks later*


That's what I when I look down. My legs and inner thighs. Not gushing blood but a fair amount. I'm not an expert but that's not good. My stomach aches and my head hurts.


That's what I need. Call me crazy but I've become attached to this baby and I ain't about to let it die. This is my child.

"Please," I say faintly as I get to the counter.

The lady looks up at me in concern.

"I'm pregnant, and bleeding, I'm having pains and I'm scared for my baby,"

The lady understands and calls for a stretcher. Two men haul me on top of it and speed me down the hall. I get pulled inside and a doctor observes me.

"Ma'am we need to deliver your baby now. This is life and death for you and the baby," the doctor says sternly concern filling his eyes.

"I-I'm only 19 weeks," I cry.

Nurses rush in and set up with one brunette nurse tries to comfort me.

"Push," they demand.


"C'mon," they beg


Tears of pain, sorrow, and frustration fill my eyes. I can't. I have too. My baby.

I feel a rush out of me. But unlike what I've heard happen, I don't hear a faint cry, there is no scream from a baby. Just feet shuffling, machine beeps, and nurses yelling.

My ears start to ring. My eyes begin to burn and the nurse who was trying to comfort me begins to tear up, and not from joy.

My baby is gone. I know it. I start to feel woozy and everything starts to fade.

I lost my baby just like I lost my dad to alcohol, like I lost my grandparents, like I lost Dal.

I wake up feeling hazey and dead. My lungs burn as does the back of my throat. Nurses surround me as a doctor tries to explain what happened. Tries to explain how my baby died. How the child's lungs collapsed and his umbilical cord was around his neck.

Yes my child would have been a boy. A strong handsome boy. Little Gabriel I would have called him.

Tears fall rapidly from my eyes blurring out everything. Voices sound as if I'm underwater.

"Can I hold him?" I ask. Wishing to hold my baby.

The nurses look shocked but the doctor nods and send one off to go get my deceased child.

The nurse comes in with my child. My poor dead child.

My eyes burn as I blink back tears. He wasn't even developed. He fit into the palm of my hand. He was red and his eyes were sealed shut. He hand fully developed hands though. I held my baby close and kissed him on the forehead before handing him back.

My baby. Dallas's child. Our baby. I couldn't comprehend anything anymore and started breathing heavy. Nurses tried to calm be as I slowly blacked out.


Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now