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Dallas and I were walking to DX. I was more hobbling than walking, my crutches didn't really wanna cooperate.

"You're gonna fall," Dal laughs.

"Wow, no really?!" I ask sarcastically.

"Wow, who got your panties in a twist," He asks smirking, knowing he's on my nerves.

"These crutches are hard to walk with. Let me see you try Mr.Badass,"

"I'm good babe," I roll my eyes and huff.

We keep walking DX in sight when I hear a scream. It sounded like someone yelling help. I stop.

"Dal do you hear that?" I ask.

"Hear what?" I put my hand up," shh listen," There it was again.

I try to find where the screams are coming from. I look down an alley and see a big guy in a letterman's jacket. He moves a little and I see a girl screaming for help.

"Shit Dal cmon," I start hobbling so fast down the alley. The guy is trying to take off the girls clothes, tears falling from the girls face. I see what he's trying to do and it's pissing me off.

"Leave her alone Asshole," I say standing my ground.

The guy turns around and look me up and down and laughs. Then he goes back to trying to rape the girl. Aw hell no.

I hobble forward and hit him in the crotch with my crutch. He growls cupping his 'you know what' and turns around raising him fist. His eyes suddenly widen and he backs up. I feel a little powerful until I feel someone breathing down my neck.

Dallas grabs the guy by his collar and punches him repeatedly. The guy finally manages to get out of his grip and flees.

"Damnit Dal I though he was afraid of me," I pout and he smiles.

"Hey are you okay?" I ask the girl crouching in the corner still crying.

"H-He tried t-to," she stutters but let's out a sob.

"Shh it's okay cmon. Dal help her up."

"Aw what am I your personal slave now?" he asks helping the girl up.

"What's your name?" I ask the girl.

"C-Carrie," she answers wiping her tears with her cardigans sleeve. She's wearing blue jeans, a plain white shirt, chucks, and a yellow cardigan. She looks somewhat like a greaser, yet still classier. She has her light brown hair in a ponytail with a small bow.

"Well Carrie come with us,"

I start walking out of the alley, Dal and Carrie following me. We get to DX and I yell at Soda and Steve.

"Guys this is Carrie,"

Soda wipes his hand on a rag "Hi Carrie, I'm Soda," he hold out his hand and blushing she takes it.

"I'm Steve," bowing.

"You goof," I laugh leaning on my crutches.

"Carrie the bathrooms just behind the counter if you wanna get cleaned up," I say slightly pointing to the bathroom.

She thanks me and goes to the bathroom. While she's in there I explain to the boys what happened.

"You hit his dick?! Now you have dick germs on your crutch!" Steve exclaims.

"Really Steve? That's all you got from that story?" I ask.

He nods and we all laugh. Carrie comes back out awkwardly.

"Thanks for that," She told me.

"Aw no problem I enjoy hitting people on the crotch with my crutch," I get her to smile which is all I wanted.

"Well we are finished up at shop, so we gonna head home?" Soda asks.

"Yea. Hey Carrie why don't you come with us an get to know the rest of the boys?" I ask her. She nods and we leave.

"Make room for the injured," I say nudging Two with very my crutch.

"Why don't you just sit on my lap baby," TwoBit says in his smoothest voice.

"Oh no," Stev says, "your about to get dick germs on your dick now,"

Everyone broke out in laughter even though they didn't know what the hell Steve was talking about.

"What?" TwoBit asked gasping for air.

"This guy was gonna attack Carrie so I hit him in the crotch with my crutch," I said.

"Wait really? Who's Carrie?" Pony asks.

"Me," Carrie says from Soda. I notice her and Pony blushing when they lock eyes. I'm gonna be a matchmaker.

"She saved me from a guy trying to, do things to me," She says looking down.

"She's my new best friend, Soda you've been replaced," I say sitting next to TwoBit.

We all talk to Carrie a lot and got to know her. I saw her and Pony giving each other side glances all night. People started leaving again and I slept on the couch and Carrie in a pull out chair. 

A/N okie so they probably didn't have pullout chairs back then but bare with me on that.

otherwise sorry this was a sucky chapter PEACE BBS ✌🏼️

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