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I hop off the jungle gym in to Dal's hands, cause he refused to let me do it myself.

"You're so cute," I taunt Dallas.

"Aw shoot baby, I'm not cute, I'm a badass," Dal says wraping an arm around my waist.

Pony and Johnny are laughing at Dal. "Aw what're you laughing at wise guys," Dal complains.

"You, Dal, cause you're too adorable," I say booping his nose.

"Did you just 'boop' my nose," Dal looks at me like he can't believe I just did that.

"Yep, what're you gonna do about it," I taunt runnning away from him.

He mutters something and rushes after me.

Dal's POV (yes its my bb)

"I'm gonna get you," I mutter and run after my girlfriend.

I catch up to Addie and throw her over my shoulder, she slightly squeals and slaps my butt.

"Hey!" I yell lifting one hand to grab her butt. She squirms, "Hey, now!"

"You grabbed my ass first," I say.

"You sound like a 5 year old," she taunts me, "You can't expect to put my face right in front of your ass and not slap it Dal,"

"Well you can't expect to slap my ass and not have me do it back," I smile.

"Aw c'mon guys we're still here," Pony complains.

"Shit," I hear Addie say by my ass. "Sorry guys,"

"I'm not," I say.

"Obviously," she mutters and laughs, "Hey Dal, you have a nice ass," she compliments me.

"I'm Dallas Winston of course I do," I saw earning another slap on my ass by her.

"Aw baby you do too,"

"Wow I feel so much better," She says.

We get to the Curtis's house and I plop Addie down on the couch and sit on her lap.

"Wow Dal, you're gonna crush me," She swatting my back.

"Get used to it Doll," I smile.

"Geez Dallas next time you bring Pony home this late I might have to skin ya," Darry jokes.

"Aw golly Dar, don't blame Dallas, it was my idea," Addie says.

Addie's POV

"Okay Ads, but be careful, I don't need my kid brother getting in trouble," Darry says.

"Don't worry big brother, I'll take any heat if we get caught, Pony'll be fine," I say.

Dal finally gets off of me and pulls me onto his lap. He wraps his arms around me and starts placing little kisses on my neck. I push him off because if he starts anything I might not be able to stop.

"Well Dare-Bear, me and Dallas, here are gonna set off,"

"Okay Addie, stay safe," Darry says giving me a hug.

"Bye guys," I wave and grab my bag and Dallas.

Dal lights up two cancer sticks and hands me one.

"Thanks baby," I say while he smiles.

"Anything for my Doll," he says. I swat him and we walk to Buck's.

Once we get to Buck's we head up too Dal's room, I set down my bag and plop down on his bed. Dal comes up and lays down next to me. He nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck.

I roll over and straddle Dal. He smirks and sits up. I smile at him and start kissing and biting his neck, giving him little love bites here and there.

Dal manages to get my lips onto him and kisses me for a while until he pulls off and goes to my neck. I can feel him giving me hickeys all over. I let out a slight moan and quickly cover it up.

He starts kissing my on my lips with tongue and all. I play with his hair and slightly tug causing him to moan. I smirk into the kissing and continue.

I pull of his shirt, while he pulls off mine, his eyes go to my chest before I pull his chin up and continue kissing him.

We're like this for what feels like hours until we both cuddle up together shirtless.

"You," Dallas says breathlessly, "are amazing,"

I smile and peck his lips. We fall asleep together, his arm wrapped over me protectively. Our legs tangled together.

It all feels, just right.

a/n hey guyyyzzzz

they talked about ass a lot, im laughing.

I was slightly uncomfortable writing that, hahaha. #daddie

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