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I wake up to tickles on my neck. I open my eyes realizing its Dal placing kisses on my neck. I groan not wanting to get up. 

"Cmon baby," he whines.

"Let me sleep,"

He ignores my demand and keeps kissing me.

"Fine douchbag I'm up," I push him of me and grab some clothes to change into.

He pouts and comes over to me. "Let me help you," he whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine.

"Okay," I whimper.

He starts to slowly take my shirt off, then my pants. He stands there not doing anything and I realize what he's doing. I slap his bare chest and put on my clothes.

He smirks at me and I walk down the stairs. "Hurry up," I smile grabbing an apple from Bucks counter.


"God why is it so hot," I complain taking off my jacket.

"Right?" Dal says taking off his shirt as we enter the Curtis household.

Everyones there sweating their bums off. All of them shirtless, TwoBit also pant less. Carrie no where to be seen

"Where's your girlfriend PonyBoy?" I tease him.

"At home,"

All the fans from around the house are in the kitchen and living room. Everyone seems dreary and tired.

I ruffle Steves hair as I walk past him into the kitchen. I grab lemons sugar and a pitcher from around the kitchen and start making lemonade. I add in ice and a few strawberries. Pouring the cold liquid in cups I call for Dal.

"Yea?" He asks pecking me on the lips.

"Help me pass these out," I demand.

"Why should I?" He asks begrudgingly.

I push myself flush up against him my lips almost touching his. Then I go straight to his ear and say.

"Because I said so,"

I grab two glasses and strut into the living room.

"Lord I thank thee for Adelaide Levi," TwoBit said chugging the lemonade I just gave him.

Dal comes in and helps me pass out lemonade.

"Hey Pony, you have some shorts I can borrow?" I ask him.

"Yea in the dresser somewhere," he says clearing not going to get up.

I go to Pony and Sodas shared room and grab the shortest pair of shorts he had. They weren't that short but whatever. They go about 3 inches below my butt. I change and walk back in the living room.

"Thanks bud,"

"Gah what the hell its supposed to be fall," Steve complains.

After laying around all day I decide to do the dishes. While I'm washing the 9th dish I feel strong arms wrap themselves around my waist. Dal lays his head on my shoulder and starts kissing my neck.

"Dal," I say.

"Hmm?" He asks his lips still attached to my neck.

"Don't start something you won't be able to stop," I laugh.

"We'll continue this later," he says leaving.

I smile to myself and finish dishes.


-3 days later-

"Shut up," I say throwing my cards at Steve.

"Soda, Steve's bullying me," I pretend to whine like a kid about their sibling.

Soda laughs and picks me up and plops me down on Dal.

"Your hogging my best friend and complaining about him," he says and takes my place at the card game.

I roll my eyes and I prop up my head on my hands to look down at Dal.

"So, you come here often?"

He laughs and wraps his arms around me. We just lay there me on top of him and basically cuddle. Don't tell Dal or he probably won't do it again.

"Has anyone seen ol Keith?" I ask.

And as if the Gods above heard me a random lady walked in with a goofy looking Mickey Mouse lover.

"Right there," Soda said.

"Who's this?" I ask looking at the pretty blonde.

"I'm Kathy," she smiles. I get off of Dal and shake her hand.

"How'd you get stuck with this goof?"

She laughs, "I really don't know,"

"Hey guys. I'm right here," Two whines.

"Wait," I'm struck with realization, "is this?"

"My girlfriend," he nods.

"Damn I feel bad for her," Dal joked.

"Hey!" TwoBit.

"Uh, we have something to tell you guys but we're gonna wait until everyone gets here," Two says.

While waiting I got to know Kathy. I like her a lot. Two seems to like her even more.

A/N sorry I don't update a lot 😂 idk well yea!

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