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"They're all here now spill!" I yell wanting eagerly to know what TwoBit and Kathy were gonna tell us.

Kathy looks down at her hands fiddling with her fingers and TwoBit wraps his arm around her.

"I'm pregnant," TwoBit says.

I just burst out in laughter and walk over to two.

Patting his stomach I say "Boy or girl?"

"Damnit Addie I meant we're pregnant,"

"You're both pregnant?!" Steve joins in on the fun.

"Fuck you guys," TwoBit says grabbing Kathy's hand.

"Golly Two, we only just met the gal and you already got her pregnant," Soda says.

Kathy blushes.

"We've been dating a long time," Keith says.

"Wait, so when we all thought you were getting drunk off your ass and harassing people you were with Kathy?" I ask.

He nods.

"Congratulations," I hug Kathy. She says thank you and grabs ahold of TwoBits hand.

Everyone Congratulates them and goes on their way. Kathy and TwoBit are taking up the couch. Darry's in his chair. Everyone is scattered about.

Dal and I are stuck with the floor so I sit on his lap. He turns me around and we start kissing. TwoBit starts to complain but stops almost immediately.

Confused on why TwoBit stopped I remove my lips from Dals and turn to look at the couch. Kathy and TwoBit were there lip locking like the lovers they were.

"Awwww," I say just to annoy Two.

I turn back around to see a smiling Winston boy.

"Why're you smiling Winston?"

He looks deeply into my eyes. He takes my breath away and I feel as if I can't move. He puts a hand on the small of my back pulling me close.

"You're beautiful," he says and kisses me.

Everything seems perfect.


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