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Once we get to the church I jump out of the car and dash inside. When I see my babies I can't help but squeal out loud. Pony groans while waking up.

"Oh my god your hair!" I exclaim.

"Yea yea I know I look stupid,"

"Stupid, Psh you look good,"

I let out another squeal and practically jump on top of Johnny.

"Oh my god I missed you so much!" I say pulling in Johnny and Pony for a group hug.

"Nice hair blondie," Dal says as he sees Pony.

"Aw Dal leave the kid alone," I can tell Pony is really bothered by his hair.

I hug the boys for a little while longer and we catch up. Dal decides to drive us to Dairy Queen. We start talking and Dal gets pissed when Johnny said he's gonna turn himself in. We've both been to jail. Jail isn't a place where Johnny Cade would survive. The ride back to the church is pretty silent.

We get to the church but see it ablaze. People are around screaming. Something about children. Before I knew it Pony and Johnny are on in an instant. The only thing I can do is follow. I jump in the building and start handing kids to Dally. I get close to Johnny and he grab the last kid. I hear a creak and look up.

It's about to collapse on Johnny. I pull him out of the way and basically fling him to Dally. I start to run but a flaming board collapse on my leg. I scream in agony. Dallas is right there pulling me out of the church right before it collapses. I can't hear anything with my ears ringing. My vision starts to get blurry. Then completely black.

I wake up in a hospital bed, I try to lift my leg. I look down and see a cast on my leg.


"She's up!" I hear an unfamiliar voice, before I know it I'm surrounded my people I don't know.

"Hello, Ms.Levi I am Dr.Glasnow,"

"Uh hey,"

"As you probably saw you have a cast on your leg, you broke your tibia when that piece of wood fell on your leg, the fact that it was on fire did not help at all, you still have some smoke in your lungs and a few second degree burn," the doctor explained.

"Aw fuck, thanks doc," he nods and leaves.

I look at my surroundings, a typical hospital room nothing special. The door opens and a bunch of people rush in.

"Addie!" they scream.

I see Steve, TwoBit, Darry, and Soda. "Where's Dal, Pony, and Johnny?" I immediately ask.

"Well nice to see you too," TwoBit says, so I punch his arm.

"Wow, stills hits like a grown man," I roll my eyes at Two.

"Dal and Johnny say you saved Johnny's life," Darry says.

"What?" I asked totally confused.

"The church? Burning to the ground? Any of that ring a bell?" Steve asks.

"Yea, I remember going in but nothing after that," I say trying my hardest to remember.

"Yea the doctor said you were running on pure adrenaline and all the smoke in your lungs doesn't help. You probably won't remember, but you guys saved so many lives," Darry told me.



"Hey, can I talk to Addie alone please?" Soda asks.

Everyone gives me a hug and leaves. "I'm so sorry," Soda blurts out.

"Soda, it's fine,"

"No it's not, I basically told Dal you liked him, then told you you were pathetic, and that you don't care about Johnny or Ponyboy, which you clearly do," Soda rambles on.

"Soda," I look closer at his face, his normal movie star smile no where in sight. His eyes have bags underneath them and he looks weak. "I forgive you, I completely understand, Your brother runs away and the one person who knows where he is refuses to tell you, and I defend that person. You love Ponyboy more than anything. Along with Johnny. I probably would've done the same if I didn't know,"

"You knew?"

"Yea I was the one who brought them to Dally so they could hide, I'm sorry,"

"None of this is your fault, if anything you basically saved them," Soda pulls me in for a long hug.

"I gotta go, DX is awaiting," Soda smiles.

"Get your ass back to work," I smile back at him.

When Soda leaves, an almost naked Dal rushes in. He kisses me right on the lips. I stare at him in shock.

"You saved him! You saved Johnny! I don't know what I would've done if Johnny, if he," Dal rushes.

"Well you saved me so we're even," I smile.

"Are you okay?" He asks lifting up my covers to look at my cast.

"Yea I'm fine, the whole cast situation really sucks. Doc says I broke my tibia,"

Before I know it Dals in bed beside me. "Where'd your gown go?" I ask him.

"I'm Dallas Winston I don't wear dresses," he rolled his eyes.

"That's right, for a second I forgot you were a badass," I joke.

"Ah shut up," Dal says wrapping his arms around me. Just like that I'm asleep.

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now