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Life seems good.

I thought today was going to be a really good day, I truly did.

I was gruesomely wrong.

"Addiiieee," Pony whined as I ruffled his hair.

"Aw man, you just so cute I can't help it,"

"You're so embarrassing," he says lighting a smoke.

"So Johnny," I say turning to the boy next to me.

"You got yourself a girl? You're a good looking kid,"

"Aw Addie, you know I don't,"

I pout and hug him, he's just so huggable.

"One day you'll find the perfect girl for you, a girl who loves you more than you love her,"

I grin evilly.

"And then she'll pop out a little Johnny," I giggle hysterically and run around the park.

The boy chase me until Pony catches up and tackles me.

"Awwwwww, you know you love me," I say hugging both of them.

They both groan making me smile even more.

"Okay I have to get back, I'm going on a date,"

I slip in my room and put on a dress like Dane told me. I also add flats because they just look nice. I brush out my hair and put on mascara. I completely forget about my switchblade, but I'll be with Dane so I'll be fine.

I climb out my window and put my heels back on and I see Dane, he looks so nice with his hair styled just right.

"You look gorgeous," Dane says grabbing my hand.

"Thank you, you look quiet handsome yourself,"

We walk hand in hand watching the sunset. We walk into soc territory, me without knowing. We walk and walk gazing at our surroundings small talk here and there. We walk into a park and sit.

"Hey, I have to use the bathroom, wait here okay?"

"Okay," I nod.

I sit and play with my nail picking at them. All of the sudden I feel a hand on my mouth. Holding it there so I couldn't talk.

I bite the hand, not knowing who it is. A little Yelp is let out and I try to get up but four socs are already holding me down.

"Well, well well," a voice says, I see a figure, "Lookie here, the one Winston hangs with,"

"What do you want," I spit.

"Simple baby, you,"

I involuntarily gag.

"if you're not nice I might have to be harsh," he snarls, laughing manically.

I writhe and struggle and much as I can in the grip on the socs. It's no use, I may be strong, but there are four of them with prominent muscles.

He kisses me. He put he lips on mine, so I bite his lip hard, I taste the metallic taste of blood. He slaps me hard across the face.

"No no no, You mustn't stuggle it will make things worse,"

A hand clamps over my mouth again.

I see Dane. Dane! My mind yells. I try to yell in person but with the hand over my mouth. He sees me! He looks me straight in the eye. He doesn't help me. He looks at me with a sad look. He mouths sorry and leaves. Leaves. I feel a tear fall down my face.

The guys says some shit but I don't listen. I'm trying to figure how to get out. It's past midnight, no one will be up.

I'm being hauled toward a shed. I struggle as much as humanly possible. I'm still in the hands. I'm being pushed up against the shed wall.

I try to bite the guys hand, but he has my jaw clamped shut with his massive hands. I still struggle and move. The guy rips off my dress. I'm trying to get out so bad. Everything is on fire. My face now burning with tears.

He rips off my underwear smirking.


I wake up naked in a dirty shed. I shakily lift up my hand to my face. Dried tears and blood. I cry I feel so dirty. I hate myself. I'm so stupid and naive I thought I could trust a soc. I manage to weakly find my undergarments and put it on. I see my purple dress. Torn to shreds. Unwearable. I remember last night.

How he made me watch. He whispered in my ear. He touched me. everywhere.
No matter how hard I flailed. I was trapped. I couldn't stop it. When I struggled, I was hit, hard.

My flats are nowhere to be seen. Stupid.

I walk in the shed and find a garbage bag. I manage to fit in enough to not show anything. I hate myself. I'm so dirty.

I weakly walk and walk and walk. Trying to find me way home. People laugh and snicker. People holler and whistle. People look down on me in pity and disgust. They watch me.

I'm walking down a side walk dirty, shoes less, and in a garbage bag. I keep walking.

I see my house, I don't want anymore trouble so I climb up. I loose my footing and scrape it against the side of the house, but still get in. I walk in my room and collapse. I cry and cry until I have no more tears.

I take a shower and get out of the disgusting trash bag. I scrub and scrub. I wash every crack and crevice. I try to wash away the feeling of him touching me. It's still there. I try to fall asleep but nightmare after nightmare happen. So I just lay there and stare at the ceiling.

A/N DISCLAIMER: Adelaide may not have told an authoritative figure, but you still should. If you or someone you know has been raped or sexually assaulted in any way, tell an authoritative figure, your parents, legal guardians, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, teachers, police officers, firefighter, medical workers. Anyone. You are not alone.

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now